
Research Interest

My main interest is in number theory (analytic, combinatorial, or elementary). The topics of particular interest are those related to arithmetic functions and integer sequences. I sometimes do research on metric-preserving functions. My Erdos number is 2. 

I am currently working on various problems concerning Beatty sequences, floor function, palindromes, additive basis, long arithmetic progressions, Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and generalizations, the divisor function, the sum of divisors function

For the list of all publications, please follow  Link-PDF  Link-Latex

My Coauthors

listed in alphabetical order of their last name:

List of Publications (from the present back to 2012)

Accepted, submitted, or in preparation 












List of Publications arranged according to topics ( under construction)

Problems in the divisors 

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Link to the project on the divisor functions and other arithmetic functions 

Arithmetic progressions in various integer sequences

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Link to the project on long arithmetic progressions in various integer sequences 

Problems in Beatty sequences

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Problems in Beatty sequences 


For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Problems in palindromes 

Sums and various properties of the floor function 

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Sums and inequalities involving the floor function  

Fibonacci numbers, the order of appearance, Fibonomial coefficients,  and generalizations

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Fibonacci numbers, the order of appearance, Fibonomial coefficients, and generalizations  

Metric preserving functions 

For more articles and information on this project, please follow the link Metric-preserving functions 

Miscellaneous problems