Frequently asked questions

What is math clinic? Please tell me about the idea.

Math Clinic is an effort to help strengthen teaching and learning of Mathematics at all levels. Various talks / discussions are being organized on various topics for audience at different levels.

How can I attend a session?

Please register for an upcoming session here. You will receive joining links and other details on your registered email id a few days before the session.

Do I need to pay a registration fee?

It varies depending on the session. Most of the sessions organized by Math Clinic do not have any registration fee, but for some sessions you need to pay a nominal registration fee. The details can be found in respective registration forms.

I am organizing an online talk on some math topic. Can I enlist my event on this website in order to get more audience?

Yes, please visit this page and submit the event listing request form.

I need some help in understanding a math topic. Would you please help?

Yes, we can help you. Please visit this page and submit the session request form. Once we receive a good number of requests for that topic, we will try to arrange a session explaining the topic.

I would like to offer a Math Clinic session as a resource person. What to do?

Thanks a lot for your interest in this initiative! Kindly write an email to explaining your plan for the session.