Math Clinic

An initiative by math4all

Mission of the project

We are motivated by the words of Richard Courant:

"For more than two thousand years some familiarity with mathematics has been regarded as an indispensable part of the intellectual equipment of every cultured person. Today the traditional place of mathematics in education is in grave danger. Unfortunately, professional representatives of mathematics share in the responsibility. The teaching of mathematics has sometimes degenerated into empty drill in problem solving, which may develop formal ability but does not lead to real understanding or to greater intellectual independence. Mathematical research has shown a tendency toward overspecialization and overemphasis on abstraction. Applications and connections with other fields have been neglected. However, such conditions do not in the least justify a policy of retrenchment. On the contrary, the opposite reaction must and does arise from those who are aware of the value of intellectual discipline. Teachers, students, and the educated public demand constructive reform, not resignation along the line of least resistance. The goal is genuine comprehension of mathematics as an organic whole and as a basis for scientific thinking and acting."

--- an excerpt from the preface to the first edition of the book 'What is Mathematics?'

    by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins (New York, 1941).

In the preface to the revised edition of the book (1943), he wrote:

"During the last years the force of events has led to an increased demand for mathematical information and training. Now more than ever there exists the danger of frustration and disillusionment unless students and teachers try to look beyond mathematical formalism and manipulation and to grasp the real essence of mathematics."

The situation has still not improved. Students go through courses in mathematics without getting an overview of the topics, leave aside the deeper aspects of mathematics involved.

We aim to bring resources on this site such as online lectures / articles / video recordings by experts to help in achieving the objectives of math education.

Upcoming / recent events

LaTex by example, an introduction to Scientific typesetting

Speaker: Prof. Inder K. Rana (Ex. IIT Bombay)

Event timing: 04:00 PM IST on November 5, 2023 (Sunday)

Watch on YouTube


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