
**Privacy Statement for MatchGPT App**


**1. Introduction**

Thank you for choosing MatchGPT. We value and respect the privacy of our users. This Privacy Statement describes how the MatchGPT app collects, uses, and protects your personal information. By using our app, you agree to the practices described in this statement.


**2. Information We Collect**

When using MatchGPT, we may collect:

- **Device Information**: Such as device model, operating system version, and unique identifiers.


- **Usage Data**: Information about how you use the app, which features you access, and any errors or issues you encounter.

- **User Profiles**: Data that you voluntarily provide when creating a profile, including preferences, interests, and other details.


- **Communication Data**: Any feedback, questions, or other information you send to us.


**3. How We Use Your Information**

- **Improving the App**: To analyze trends and optimize our app's performance and user experience.


- **Customer Support**: To provide assistance, answer questions, and resolve any issues.


- **Safety & Security**: To monitor for fraudulent activity and ensure the protection of our users.

- **Updates & Marketing**: With your consent, to send notifications about app updates, offers, and promotions.


**4. Data Sharing**

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. We may share anonymized and aggregated data for research purposes, but individual identities will always be protected.


**5. Data Protection**

We employ a combination of technical and organizational measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. This includes encryption protocols and secure storage methods.


**6. Your Choices**

You have the right to:

- **Access** your data.


- **Edit or Update** your information.


- **Delete** your account and associated data.

To exercise these rights, please contact our support team.


**7. Third-Party Links**

MatchGPT may contain links to external sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such sites. Please review their privacy policies separately.


**8. Children’s Privacy**

MatchGPT is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children. If we become aware that a user is under 13, we will take steps to remove their information and terminate the account.


**9. Updates to this Privacy Statement**

From time to time, we may update this Privacy Statement. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if significant changes are made, we will notify users through the app or via email.


**10. Contact Us**

For questions about this Privacy Statement or our privacy practices, please contact: