Christopher "Chris" Wilton: The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.

Would it that this film had been made in the Forties or Fifties when film-noir was at its high point! Woody Allen, one of America's best directors pays his homage to the genre in his latest film about romantic obsession, and if his name weren't in the opening credits you wouldn't know he directed it. Taking a break from filming in the city he loves the most, deleting every trace of the well known neurotic hoots and clicks from his main and supporting British cast, and even removing the trademark reference to his own persona from Jonathan Rhys-Meyers' performance, MATCH POINT becomes a very European film that starts out deceptively as a character study with comedic tones and ever so subtle moves into the darker side of love, echoing THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE and of all films, FATAL ATTRACTION.

A love quadrangle, the oldest plot device, is Allen's focus this time: Chris Wilton (Rhys-Meyers), a retired tennis player, becomes an instructor to Tom Hewett (Matthew Goode). Both find that they have similar interests, such as the love of opera and the works of Dostoyevsky. (They have another similar interest, but I'm getting there). Tom invites Chris for an evening at the opera and introduces him to his family and sister Chloe (Emily Mortimer), who falls for him and who later on signifies familial safety in all forms. Sensing an opportunity to climb the social ladder he starts seeing her just as he meets Nola Rice (Scarlett Johanssen), an aspiring American actress, whom he openly flirts with until he realizes she's Tom's girlfriend, but an outsider in the Wilton household. A clandestine affair between Chris and Nola begins tentative at first -- she advises him against it since it would ruin his chances to become a success and she is engaged to Tom -- but turns deeper. However, a turn of events transpire, taking Nola out of the picture, having Tom marry another girl and Chris marry Chloe, and start to get complicated once Chris tracks Nola down.

Like I said, would it that MATCH POINT would have been filmed 60 years ago because everything in it smolders like the plot elements of the sleekest of noir films. With a deliberate pace that begins taking a sinister shape after the second half, Allen misdirects the audience to the very core. Allen avoids any trace of romantic melodrama, though, and in showing what actually transpires between a couple ensnared in an affair -- their initial bedazzlement, their passion consummated, turning into routine and then its painful decline -- is true to life. Nola, initially seen in white much like Lana Turner in THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE seems to be in total control until Allen deftly pulls the rug out of her feet and has her do a slow collapse into her own trap, dressed in darker and darker colors. Chris, at first, so lusts after her it's a question if he can choose her love over social status and this becomes the crux of MATCH POINT: whether the tennis ball falls over the net or not.

There are moments when you think that a director who once had his audience eating out of his hand has gone into autopilot or entered a point of no return. Up until recently, Woody Allen had had even his most hardcore fans put through the ringer with film after film of a disposable nature. With this film, which has a strong connection to CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, he shows that he never was gone. In erasing all references to his staccatto style, he wins over a new audience willing to accept his work with ease and this is at times necessary: like Hitchcock's self-effacing FRENZY, MATCH POINT is an excellent movie showcasing a director in full control of his ability to tell a visual tale. Maybe not up there with the best of his roster but pretty damn close, and that's saying quite a wallop.

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My argument is taking this form because I want to point out how cleverly Coppola structures his film to create sympathy for his heroes. The Mafia is not a benevolent and protective organization, and the Corleone family is only marginally better than the others. Yet when the old man falls dead among his tomato plants, we feel that a giant has passed.

Also, Shawn Michaels was making his Royal Rumble return after not being in a Rumble match since 1996. Michaels was in title matches at the 1997 and 1998 Rumbles. As a fan of Michaels, I was so excited to see him in a Rumble match again.

Another factor that went into this show is that WWE did the brand extension shortly after the name change in the summer of 2002. That meant that some wrestlers were exclusive to Raw while others were Smackdown only. This was a year where WWE followed their own rules regarding the brand extension, so it made the Rumble more unique because it was a match where Raw and Smackdown superstars could interact.

The opening video package put over the importance of the Royal Rumble match and what it means about going into the main event of WrestleMania. An impressive pyro display followed that. The Boston crowd was very loud as you would expect.

Analysis: **1/4 This was good enough for the time given as an opening match to pop the crowd with the popular Lesnar getting the win. It was a power match with Show dominating a part of it while Lesnar looked impressive in making his comeback to win. Lesnar was impressive with his suplexes, that nearfall for Show with the Chokeslam worked really well and then Lesnar looked great again with the F5 finisher. I thought they could have used Show in the Rumble match since he was one of the top guys. These two would wrestle many times over the next year.

The Dudley Boyz entered for their title match with JR noting they were 15-time Tag Team Champions in three different organizations. Their recognized number in WWE is less than that. They reunited at Survivor Series two months earlier. William Regal and Lance Storm entered as the champions with Lance Storm carrying a Canadian flag while Regal had the Great Britain flag. The referee checked Storm and Regal to see if they had any illegal objects.

Pre-match notes: This was a Raw brand match. Storm and Regal were the heel champions that won the titles 13 days earlier from Booker T and Goldust on Raw. The Dudleys were back together as a face team. after being on separate brands in the second half of 2002.

Analysis: **1/2 It was a high energy, fast-paced tag team match where they had a traditional tag by working over D-Von and Bubba did a great job when he got the hot tag. The faces cheated to win like Regal liked to do, so it was nice to see a finish where the faces were able to outsmart the heels for a change.

A video package aired to set up Triple H defending the World Heavyweight Title against Scott Steiner, who was new on the Raw roster at this point. The story was that Triple H has beaten everybody, but Steiner noted that Hunter never beat him. Steiner also beat Hunter in arm wrestling and posedown competitions. Steiner had the upper hand in most of their confrontations.

Pre-match notes: Triple H was the heel World Champion on Raw while Steiner was the face challenger. Triple H was the champion for about one month going into this after he beat Shawn Michaels for the title at the previous PPV, Armageddon 2002. Triple H would go on to have a long title reign that lasted 280 days. Steiner was 40 years old here while Hunter was 32.

After the match, Hebner stopped Hunter from using the sledgehammer, so Hunter pushed Hebner down. Steiner got his hands on the sledgehammer, Steiner hit Hunter in the ribs with the sledgehammer and Steiner hit Flair in the ribs with the sledgehammer too. Steiner hit Hunter in the head with the sledgehammer. Steiner celebrated while the fans booed him because they hated this match. Steiner slapped on the Steiner Recliner submission on Hunter as fans continued to boo even though Steiner was the referee. That led to other referees going into the ring to try to pull Hunter off and Raw GM Eric Bischoff told Steiner to let him go, so Steiner stopped. Steiner left while Hunter sold it like he was knocked out with a bloody head. Steiner stood over Hunter after putting the World Title on him. The fans booed that even with Steiner as the face.

Analysis: I loved the Team Angle concept. It was a great idea. Sadly, it only lasted a few months even though it could have gone on for years if they booked it right. Angle and Benoit were Tag Team Champions a few months before this, but they did not get along, so it made sense to continue the rivalry leading to this title match.

Chris Benoit was shown in the ring as the fans gave him a standing ovation for his performance. Benoit pounded on his chest to salute the crowd. Benoit sold the left ankle injury as he slowly left the ring while Tazz and Cole praised both men for their performance with Cole making the point that Benoit had what it takes to be champion.

Match Rating: *** A good match with an obvious result although I liked the way the final two was booked with Lesnar getting rid of Undertaker to win. You can tell their booking for these matches got a lot better as we entered into the 2000s.

(Vinny Mac must have felt like he needed to push the big guys since the final four were all big guys. Lesnar worked well here. I thought Jericho was tremendous in the match early on with Michaels and then throughout the match he was so entertaining. The Lesnar/Undertaker stuff was good too. I liked how the ending was booked.)

After the match, Undertaker went into the ring and signaled for the title belt around his waist. It was Undertaker telling Brock he wants a title shot if Brock wins the title. There were replays of the last few eliminations. 2351a5e196

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