Deep Learning:
Theory & Data Science

University of Toronto
Department of Mathematics
Winter 2021

Vardan Papyan

Course Description

Deep learning systems have revolutionized field after another, leading to unprecedented empirical performance. Yet, their intricate structure led most practitioners and researchers to regard them as blackboxes, with little that could be understood. In this course, we will review experimental and theoretical works aiming to improve our understanding of modern deep learning systems.

Time and Location

  • Monday lecture: 16:10-18:00

  • Thursday lecture: 16:10-17:00

  • Wednesday office hour: 16:10-17:00

  • Zoom


  • [20%]: Attendance and participation

  • [5%]: Problem set 1

  • [35%]: 10 tiny PyTorch coding exercises, 3.5% each

  • [40%]: Final project on paper of your choosing


Choose a Paper

  • Preferably on the topic of theoretical or empirical investigation of deep learning.

  • Examples of papers can be found below. However, you are encouraged to pick a paper not included in the list.

  • You can consult me about your choice during office hours, via email, or through other communication channels.

Presentation (20% of final grade)

  • In the final 4 lectures of the course, students will present their projects.

  • Students will have 5 minutes of presentation followed by 1 minute of questions.

  • Pairs will have 10 minutes of presentation followed by 2 minutes of questions.

  • The presentation should use slides (keynote, google slides, powerpoint, beamer, or other similar tools).

  • The presentation should summarize the report.

Report (20% of final grade)

  • Students will submit a two-page report:

    • 1 page summarizing the paper

    • 1 page proposing and implementing a novel experiment or proving a theoretical result.

    • You are encouraged to build your experiment on open-source implementations, if available.

  • Pairs will submit a twice longer report.

  • PDF format, 1-inch margins, font size 10pt, preferably typed in Latex.

  • The deadline is midnight on April 23rd.