Carpet Mould Removal

Home Remedies For Carpet Mould Removal

Listed below are some home remedies that will effectively remove mould and mildew from your carpet. You can use vinegar or Baking soda, Steam cleaning or natural cleaners. In the end, you will find a natural and effective carpet mold remover. But what if you have water-damaged carpet? If so, you should call Mold Busters for professional carpet mould removal in Ottawa. Then you can rest easy knowing that you will not need to spend money to get rid of mould and mildew from your carpet.

Baking soda

If you are looking for a natural remedy for mould, you can use baking soda. The powder is both a disinfectant and deodorizer. It also has the ability to dry up a wet carpet quickly, which will help prevent the growth of mold. Using a baking soda and vinegar mixture, you can clean carpets and upholstery without exposing them to the risk of mold. For best results, combine baking soda and vinegar in a 2:1 ratio.


A DIY carpet mould remover is a great option to use to remove mold from your carpet. You can apply a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which will help to control the growth of mould and reduce the odor. Once the mixture is dry, you can brush it out. The vinegar will kill any spores and bacteria. You can also add essential oils to mask the smell. If you're worried about the smell of vinegar, you can also buy a spray to cover your carpet to help prevent it from getting worse.

Steam cleaning

If you've noticed a build-up of mould on your carpet, you might think it's time to invest in a steam cleaning machine. This is because steam cleaners are designed to extract tiny particles of dirt. But they don't get into the tough-to-reach places. And even if they do, the carpet won't be completely dry within 24 hours. Fortunately, many carpet cleaning companies specialize in mould removal and can do the job quickly and effectively.

Natural cleaners

If you have discovered mould on your carpet, you may be wondering what the best way to remove it is. First of all, you need to remove it from the source. Most of the time, mould is a fungus. Since mold can grow on almost anything, natural remedies can be used to destroy it. Vinegar is one such natural cleaner. It can be used in combination with baking soda and is an excellent option for removing mildew and mold. Other common household cleaning agents that are effective against mould and mildew are hydrogen peroxide, lemon, and tea tree oil.

Air purifiers

If you're experiencing a large amount of mould on your carpet, you may wonder how to get rid of it. Luckily, there are several effective methods you can use. One of these is carpet mould removal with air purifiers. If you're having trouble getting rid of mold in your home, you can try these tips for a faster result. Read on to learn more about these methods and how to use them to get rid of mould on your carpet!

Avoiding over-wetting

One of the first steps in removing mould from your carpet is to avoid over-wetting the area. Over-wetting can cause mold spores to be spread by blow-drying, and walking on wet carpet can spread the mold to other areas. To avoid this, dry the area completely and repeat the cleaning process. If possible, use a clean cloth to blot excess water and wash discarded clothes separately.

Using a dehumidifier

Using a dehumidifier to remove carpet mould spores is a great way to speed up the drying process. If you live in a humid environment, mold and mildew can grow quite easily, but there are many ways to treat this problem without damaging your carpet. One of these is vacuuming. Using a stiff brush, you can get rid of the mold on both sides of the carpet. This process will also eliminate the musty smell caused by the mould.