My favourite pins are TS and BSD: so I like hard, difficult to master, punishing games. I am looking for something slightly easier, but definitely not an average pin in terms of difficulty, it should be still an hard one. I am a good player and I am looking for a player machine. Ideally I buy machines in order keep them (if they confirm they are amazing for my tastes).

What about Wh2o? How long does a game last, once you are good? Can you set it up in a hard way? Or is it a game with great ramps and flow, but not too difficult to master and eventually not so challenging? If you have it in your collection for a long time, how often do you play it?

Now it happened that a young shepherd, grazing his flock near the road,said to his master, "Zur, [17] I zee many gentlemen ride to the court atCanterbury, but I ne'er zee 'em return again." "O, shepherd," said hismaster, "I know not how you should, for they attempt to watch with theking's daughter, according to the decree, and not performing it, theyare all beheaded." "Well," said the shepherd, "I'll try my vorton; zonow vor a king's daughter, or a headless shepherd!" And taking hisbottle and bag, he trudged to the court. In his way thither, he wasobliged to cross a river, and pulling off his shoes and stockings, whilehe was passing over he observed several pretty fish bobbing against hisfeet; so he caught some, and put them into his pocket. When he reachedthe palace, he knocked at the gate loudly with his crook, and havingmentioned the object of his visit, he was immediately conducted to ahall, where the king's daughter sat ready prepared to receive herlovers. He was placed in a luxurious chair, and rich wines and spiceswere set before him, and all sorts of delicate meats. The shepherd,unused to such fare, eat and drank plentifully, so that he was nearlydozing before midnight. "O shepherd," said the lady, "I have caught younapping!" "Noa, sweet ally, I was busy a-feeshing." "A-fishing!" saidthe princess in the utmost astonishment: "Nay, shepherd, there is nofish-pond in the hall." "No matter vor that, I have been feeshing in mypocket, and have just caught one." "Oh me!" said she, "let me see it."The shepherd slily drew the fish out of his pocket, and pretending tohave caught it, showed it her, and she declared it was the finest sheever saw. About half an hour afterwards, she said, "Shepherd, do youthink you could get me one more?" He replied, "Mayhap I may, when I havebaited my hook;" and after a little while he brought out another, whichwas finer than the first, and the princess was so delighted that shegave him leave to go to sleep, and promised to excuse him to her father.

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"Yes," said she, and putting forth her hand, with a silver combperformed the office, placing it upon a primrose bank. Then came up asecond and a third head, making the same request, which she compliedwith. She then pulled out her provisions and ate her dinner. Then saidthe heads one to another, "What shall we do for this lady who hath usedus so kindly?" The first said, "I will cause such addition to her beautyas shall charm the most powerful prince in the world." The second said,"I will endow her with such perfume, both in body and breath, as shallfar exceed the sweetest flowers." The third said, "My gift shall be noneof the least, for, as she is a king's daughter, I'll make her sofortunate that she shall become queen to the greatest prince thatreigns." This done, at their request she let them down into the wellagain, and so proceeded on her journey. She had not travelled longbefore she saw a king hunting in the park with his nobles; she wouldhave avoided him, but the king having caught a sight of her, approached,and what with her beauty and perfumed breath, was so powerfully smitten,that he was not able to subdue his passion, but commenced his courtshipimmediately, and was so successful that he gained her love, and,conducting her to his palace, he caused her to be clothed in the mostmagnificent manner.

Jack was delighted with these useful presents, and having overtaken hismaster, they quickly arrived at the lady's house, who, finding theprince to be a suitor, prepared a splendid banquet for him. After therepast was concluded, she wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and thenconcealed it in her dress, saying, "You must show me that handkerchiefto-morrow morning, or else you will lose your head." The prince went tobed in great sorrow at this hard condition, but fortunately Jack's capof knowledge instructed him how it was to be fulfilled. In the middle ofthe night she called upon her familiar [24] to carry her to the evilspirit. Jack immediately put on his coat of darkness, and his shoes ofswiftness, and was there before her, his coat rendering him invisible.When she entered the lower regions, she gave the handkerchief to thespirit, who laid it upon a shelf, whence Jack took it, and brought it tohis master, who showed it to the lady the next day, and so saved hislife. The next evening at supper she saluted the prince, telling him hemust show her the lips tomorrow morning that she kissed last this night,or lose his head. He replied, "If you kiss none but mine, I will." "Thatis neither here nor there," said she, "if you do not, death is yourportion!" At midnight she went below as before, and was angry with thespirit for letting the handkerchief go: "But now," quoth she, "I will betoo hard for the prince, for I will kiss thee, and he is to show me thylips." She did so, and Jack, who was standing by, cut off the spirit'shead, and brought it under his invisible coat to his master, whoproduced it triumphantly the next morning before the lady. This featdestroyed the enchantment, the evil spirits immediately forsook her, andshe appeared still more sweet and lovely, beautiful as she was before.They were married the next morning, and shortly afterwards went to thecourt of King Arthur, where Jack, for his eminent services, was createdone of the knights of the Round Table. e24fc04721

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