The fix was to use Windows' Registry Editor (Start > search/open Regedit) and search and delete the H: drive-based files from the recent file list. (This doesn't appear possible to do within Acad 2000i.) I found them in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Autodesk / AutoCAD / R15.0 / ACAD-12:409 / Recent File List. Four of the five recent files were located on my remote H: drive, which was not consistently available. AutoCad opened fine (see paragraph above) when I had that drive connected and turned on but generated the fatal error when it wasn't available. After deleting the four H:-drive recent file keys from the registry, AutoCad opens fine again, even when the remote drive isn't available.

AutoCAD 2000i was designed for Windows 95. That operating system is vastly different than Windows 10. Many customers have tried to install versions of AutoCAD older than 2015 on Windows 10 and I have not heard of any successes.

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Our company has a single standalone license of AutoCad 2000i which is 

 sitting on a box that I need to replace. My problem is I am unable to find my 

 original authorization code that I obtained by registering via the web when it 

 was first installed. I have dug through this board as well as knowledge base 

 and the closest information I can find is Knowledge Base Article TS29723. 

 Which tells you that there should be a file called reginfo.txt in the AutoCad 

 directory that gives the authorization code. I assume this article only 

 relates to AutoCad 2000 as I was unable to find this file or anything remotely 

 similar. Does anyone know how I can obtain the current authorization code or 

 can point me in the right direction, so I can reinstall autocad on the 

 replacement system? Thanks in advance.

My old XP machine finally died. I was able to move Autocad LT 2000i, but when opened, I receive the following message: Fatal Error: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at 75e89617h . I love 2000i and have no desire up upgrade. Is this error related to Windows 7? If so is there a fix?

Thanks for the replies. After several days and countless hours I have solved the problem. First, you need Windows 7 pro, this allows you to run windows XP virtually (pretty neat!). While in XP virtual mode, I was able to move AutoCad 2000i with PC Mover. It works great! Window Pro cost me $89.99 to upgrade from Windows 7 home, PC mover was $39.99. Much cheaper than AutoCad Lt 2011 or buying used software from questionable sources. Hope this helps someone else.

Chuchu RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RiBeneke (Structural)9 Jan 02 13:12A client of ours has been trying for weeks to solve plotting problems running AutoCAD 2002 in Windows XP. Autodesk did not have a fix for them. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP sc (Civil)10 Jan 02 17:35I wouldn't recommend using ACAD and ME as we have experienced some problems with file associations and some programs for some unexplained reason just won't work with ACAD open because of this.

sc RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP brobinson (Mechanical)14 Jan 02 15:37i run acad 2002 power pack 6, and my reseller told me that xp and xp pro are not currently supported by was recommended that i run windows 2000 pro. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP onlineengineer (Civil/Environmental)14 Jan 02 16:38I have used AutoCAD 2000 with Windows XP Home edition and it worked fine. I had no problems with the operation or the print management. I am currently running AutoCAD 2002 on Windows XP home edition and it too works great. I would recommend that you do a clean install of Windows XP (format c: drive first). You can do this with a upgrade edition of Windows XP as long as you have a previous version of Windows on CD. Switching to Windows XP is worth the money. It is a superior operating system from the previous versions. I have been running it for about 3 months and my computer has not locked-up once.


 RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP crystalrae (Aeronautics)18 Jan 02 16:23I am currently running AutoCAD 14 and 2000 on Windows XP and have not had one bit of trouble. I've even had a demo version of 2002 on there and it was fine. I'm not sure why everyone else is having problems but as of yet I haven't. I've been using this setup since October 2001. I say just give it a shot and if it doesn't work put your old Windows system back on your computer. If you don't try you'll never know. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP SErgini0 (Mechanical)21 Jan 02 07:42Autocad 2002, and autocad 2002 LT and Mechanical desktop 6 work perfectly on win XP, I've tried them personally.

Upgrade your cad version and it'll work well. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RivieraCadMan (Civil/Environmental)24 Jan 02 10:52 I have installed AutoCAD 2002 Map on three XP Pro machines (one P4 and two Athlons with various hardware) and have found that when installed on a virgin machine AutoCAD works sufficiently. (when I mean 'sufficiently' I'm saying that during the burn in period I had no crashes or critical errors). I only tested the machines with a few simple drawings (15k, 1256k, 3.4MB 3D Topo, 62.1MB Base drawings and one render) in the process just to see how well they performed and handled workload. The problems I found came with the installation of other software packages such as MS Office, Delphi, Word Perfect, Lotus Suite(runs good on all machines), Homesite, and various other apps. Since where were just evaluating XP's performance and stability we did not focus on the reasons for the errors, but we did end up reloading the machines with win98 and 2000.

NOTES: The Pentium machine locked up during some of our tests using Word Perfect and AutoCAD in unison. At one point the machine became completely unusable and we where forced to reload.

We also found that AMD CPU's have an error in their AGP paging system that has been fixed within windows, but not Linux. I'll try to get you some more information on this if you use any Unix tools for drafting or engineering. This problem is CPU specific and only effects a certain lot of CPU's. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP Redivac Vaccum (visitor)24 Jan 02 16:16To any autoCADders... I'm trying to figure out the function that will let me do what I want to, and THAT is:

6 different viewports on the same layoutare showing different areas of a floor plan containing different colours of dense hatching. In order to dodge duplicating the model and making the file size huge, I'm trying to set up certain hatches shown through certain viewports... i don't know if its possible.... and I don't know how well I explained it. 

please help.

-work guy 

 RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RivieraCadMan (Civil/Environmental)25 Jan 02 09:53 Go to 'View' 'Tiled View Ports' and you can place viewports within viewports(AutoCAD only allows creation of 4 viewports at a time), depending on how you want your viewports placed. You can also join and delete viewports from this menu. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP DFB (Computer)8 Feb 02 16:51I'd like to hear from anyone who's been successful running AutoCAD 2000 on Windows XP home. I hear it's possible. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP cadkid (Industrial)9 Feb 02 20:50I haven't done any extensive testing but I am running windows xphome at home and, thus far I have had no problems. You might consider XP Pro if you plan any extensive drawing projects. Home addition just isn't designed to handle the load the way pro is. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RDK (Civil/Environmental)12 Feb 02 20:33I am running 2000 lt on two different XP machines, (a desktop and a laptop) without any problems. I am only using it for light viewing and simple sketches. Rick Kitson MBA P.Eng

Construction Project Management

From conception to completion RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP Redivac Vaccum (visitor)16 Feb 02 08:54im running windows xp, on my new system, and justwent to install autocad, its very important that i get it running as im in grade 11 and require to use it for a week or so, until i can get a newer version, can someone help me, as windows xp wont install it? RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP sc (Civil)16 Feb 02 18:20workguy,

Can't help with 1. but for 2. get a hold of acrobat reader from:  and install it on the computers where the files will be viewed from. This program will view the pdf format and print it. It is a free program.


sc RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RiBeneke (Structural)17 Feb 02 07:29to defuse

Take a look at the autodesk discussion group on


and search for XP.

 They have a whole lot on the subject. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RDK (Civil/Environmental)17 Feb 02 10:08Sorry SC

Acrobat Distiller is with the full package. Iy is a commercial product and retails locally for $399 CDN=$250 US.

The Reader program is free and allows you to open and read the pdf files.

 Rick Kitson MBA P.Eng

Construction Project Management

From conception to completion RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP jlchm (Mining)19 Feb 02 13:29Please,

I want to install Autocad 2000 on Windows XP, but it was impossible to me. Would you give me a solution for this problem.

Thanks RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP RC51 (Mechanical)25 Nov 02 08:44Autocad 2000 doesn't run well on XP. I just did a clean install of XP pro at work and installed ACAD2000. MANY functions are no longer recognized. Even worse, I can't get the company to upgrade to a later version of ACAD or better yet Solidworks. I'm probably going to have to run dual operating systems. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP mekt (Mechanical)26 Nov 02 06:20I am running MDT 6 in a networked XP system. So far so good!

 RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP CADdemon (Mechanical)28 Nov 02 03:06XP and Autocad 2000i get along very well with one small catch. You must be a member of the Power Users or Administrators users. AutoCAD 2000i & 2002 access and write to a few registries. The only way that a "regular" users (as opposed to the IT guru/administrator) program to write to these registries is to be put in the Power or Administrators user groups. When we upgraded to our new computers with XP I found this out the hard way... I tried importing an existing profile and sunsequently killed AutoCAD by not allowing it to write to the registry. I had to log into the AutoCAD knowledge base and print out the fix for our IT person. He had no idea why he could use AutoCAD when he logged on as himself (admin). When I logged on with my account I would crash AutoCAD within 30 seconds if not sooner. Ever since I was added to the Admin group and my coworker to the Power users group there has been no trouble with AutoCAD on XP what-so-ever. RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP Jap01 (Computer)13 Jun 03 20:01We have a Windows XP Professional running Autocad MAP 2000 and at first we could not PLOT. Then we found an update from that fixed the plotting portion. BUT we are still having problems with JOIN.... it seems to be shifting to the right.

We have a very old plotter HP Designjet 650C and we have installed drivers for the 2589B and 2588B but the 88B does not do it right and the 89B just simply will not work. Any suggestions?

Thanks RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP IFRs (Petroleum)13 Jun 03 23:06Jeepers. I have been running AutoCAD 2002 on Windows XP Pro for quite a while, with NO problems. Now, I am running 2002 and AutoCAD 2004 on the same XP Pro system, with NO problems. Seems to me that most of the issues are with XP Home. I would not put XP Home on my kids computer much less my own. Not ever, even if it were FREE!! I always do clean installs - no operating system upgrades. Not on mine, my families, my clients, my friends and relatives or at work. NEVER. Just not worth the inevitable hassles. Install XP Pro. Do all the upgrades from the Microsoft web site. Update all your drivers, install all your printers. Then install AutoCAD.

That's my 2 cents... RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP sirprice (Industrial)18 Nov 03 22:57 Hi guys, I have just joined the forum . 

I am running Acad2000 on

XP pro (P4 3gig system), I used the compatability wizard and run Acad in 95/98 mode. Every thing is great except XP will not allow ,me to print A2 size on my CanonBJ330 printer.

I had no problems in the past on the old PC (466Pentium System)running WIn98 platform.

I am not suer wether its an issue with the printer and XP or Acad200 and XP.

I have a new printer on its way this week so I wil let everyone know.

In the mean time does anyone have any suggestions?

TIA RE: AutoCAD 2000 and Windows XP sirprice (Industrial)22 Nov 03 05:46defuse , jlchm and DFB, just use the compatability wizard to enable you to load AutoCad onto XP Pro or Home . 

I run both ( XP Pro and Home) and as yet I havent done any extensive drawings on the XP Home but, as listed previously the XP Pro does have issues with the Canon A2 paper size.

ATM we have networked our old P300 running Me platform with the XP Pro on the new P4 system and we can print A2 without any problems from the old PC , so the printer issue is definately with XP pro and the Canon printer.

I will let everyone know how I get on when the new printer arrives. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030293255-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.

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