massivecraft combat sheet


Last updated 2/9/2025

i made this sheet to reduce the amount of tabs/resources you needed to have open during combat roleplay! it should be pretty exhaustive, but if it's lacking anything you find necessary PLEASE reach out to me through the forums or on discord.

this website exists to house tutorials on how to use the sheet, how to update it when staff pushes ability updates, and the changelog so you can check if it's up-to-date.

there may be mistakes in some ability duration calculations! if you notice any, let me know, but always abide by the descriptions!

some modifiers haven't been added (most racial modifiers are though) so please consider listing those somewhere if you need them!

the sheet generally will only list abilities usable in combat! this is to reduce clutter and make it more streamlined for when you're in the thick of it

i hope this tool is useful to you! if you do end up using it, consider pming me your copy so i can see how you've customized it/made it your own!