The Mass Effect original trilogy takes place in the Milky Way towards the end of the 22nd century. In 2148, humanity discovered an alien outpost on Mars, and learned that Charon is actually an alien artifact known as a "mass relay" that enables faster-than-light travel to other mass relays located across the galaxy. These discoveries drastically increased the enhancement rate of humanity's technology.

The center of the Council's governing power is the Citadel, another artifact and a massive space station that, like the mass relays, were made by a race known as the Protheans believed to be the progenitor race for all species but long since disappeared. Over the next few decades, humanity is given access to new technology, allowing them to colonize new planets, and they are made part of the Citadel Security (C-Sec) forces, a highly regarded position that other species had been long waiting for and take resentment over. Numerous other inter-species conflicts remain active at the time of the first game, results of past wars and conflicts.

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The Heleus Cluster is also the location of a series of ruins predating an advanced, spacefaring race known as the Jardaan. The Jardaan made use of powerful terraforming technologies to colonize worlds in the Heleus Cluster, which was otherwise extremely hazardous and naturally unsustainable for life. They later fled from the Heleus Cluster three centuries before the arrival of the Milky Way races, when a protracted battle against an unknown enemy faction resulted in the usage of a weapon of mass destruction aboard a Jardaan space station. The weapon's activation unleashed a cataclysmic energy phenomenon known as the Scourge, which spread across the cluster and greatly damaged the Jardaan's terraforming systems. After the Jardaan left, the Angara, genetically engineered creations of the elder race, began to develop their own civilization before falling under attack by the encroaching Kett.

While various features of gameplay varied across the series, the Mass Effect games are action role-playing games. The player customizes their version of the game's main character (Shepard for the first three games, and Ryder for Mass Effect: Andromeda) based on physical appearance, background, and one of six character classes, each class centered around one or two specializations in combat, technology, or "biotic" (magic-like) skills. This establishes a skill tree that the player can advance through as their character gains experience levels through completing missions. Each game generally follows a main story pathway with points of branching narratives and multiple side missions, allowing the player to proceed through the game as they desire. Both story and optional missions most often involve using their ship to travel via the mass relay to remote star systems and explore planets to find target objectives.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition was officially announced on November 7, 2020 or "N7 Day."[26][27][28] The goal of the remaster was "not to remake or reimagine the original games, but to modernize the experience so that fans and new players can experience the original work in its best possible form." The remaster also features almost all previously released downloadable content, enhanced "textures, shaders, models, effects, and technical features of three enormous games."[26] Due to Mass Effect 1's age, it received the most extensive work for the Legendary Edition, which BioWare compared it to the quality of a remake, while stating that the other two games were still remasters.[29]

The game is set in the year 2183 CE, 35 years after humans discovered the ruins of an ancient spacefaring race called the Protheans on Mars. With the technology from these ruins, humanity learned the secrets of mass effect physics and element zero, unlocking faster-than-light travel. Humans also discovered the mass relay network that threaded the galaxy, permitting instantaneous passage across thousands of light-years. Humanity began its journey among the stars, encountering various alien races and establishing itself on the galactic stage.

Mass Effect is a third-person shooter where the player's means of offense are a range of weapons and talents. Weapon and talent proficiency is in turn determined by the player's selection of one of six classes: Soldier, Infiltrator, Vanguard, Adept, Engineer, and Sentinel. Some classes are specialized in one field of combat, while others feature a mix of abilities. For example, Soldiers can become skilled with all four weapon types (Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, and Pistols), but lack biotic and tech abilities; in contrast, the Adept class excels at using biotics, but can only make effective use of Pistols. Class also affects which types of Armor the player can utilize.

Romance is not the only end point of a relationship between teammates.In fact,your relationship with mordin,your bromance with garrus and tali are far better than any of the romances in mass effects.Bioware should do more strong friendships,they are obviously way better at it.

Also,quantity of choice is not better than quality of choice.People praise witcher series much more than mass effect series,yet you get waaaaaay less dialogue options in witcher,and geralt is a predefined straight guy.What witcher has over mass effect is quality writing for those choices.

Depends really.If you enjoyed kotor or jade empire or new vegas,you may enjoy mass effect 1.If you enjoyed third person shooters,like gears of war,you may enjoy mass effect 2 or maybe even 3.In fact,2 or 3 may appeal to you if you like diablo or borderlands or even fallout 3.

Oi, m8. Just watched your video on YouTube about the world building of mass effect. Like, seriously, if you started a church I would be your most devoted follower just because of this. Been ranting about the world building of mass effect in years.

A sample size of just yourself isnt a real great indicator that its not an origin issue.

Everything was working just fine until an origin update, which I agreed to let it update and not go into offline mode, now after this update whenever i click on mass effect 3 to play it origin closes down then restarts itself on the homepage. I try to go to click play again and origin shuts down then restarts itself on the homepage, on and on and on.

This is the story of the inhabitants of the Milky Way venturing to a new galaxy. A group of one hundred thousand or so members across five races (Human, Turian, Asarian, Salarians and Krogan) making the extraordinary trip across dark space to go somewhere completely new. A six hundred year cryo-frozen journey, to explore what might be. It is, in its concept, so massive, so wonderfully bursting with possibility, so hugely exciting. It is, in delivery, just about as unambitious an approach to the idea as you could think of.

Much has been made of issues regarding facial animation, but much of the time faces can look great. Non-human faces. Humans they did not get right. The whole game is this weird flip-flop between gorgeous and ugly, sometimes showing you incredible vistas in detailed scenes, other times awkward greys and blues with boring boxes. Some characters look amazing, others look drawn in crayon. Sometimes special effects are dazzling, other times embarrassing. It's certainly not Frostbite at its best. But sometimes it can look really lovely.

Riders climb aboard motion-based seating and wear 3D glasses as they are taken on a thrilling adventure. A live performer narrates the journey and appears to interact seamlessly with the next-generation 3D ride simulator and visuals. These elements are integrated with motion seating, high tech sound and other 4D effects to create a truly compelling and immersive attraction. Guests travel through space to a distant planet, face off against bigger than life adversaries and ultimately help save the day.

This time out you begin by choosing whether you're a lady or a man called Ryder, daughter or son of a leading figure in an expedition to leave the Milky Way and start new lives in Andromeda. Using magic telescopes the various familiar races of Mass Effect were able to spot "golden planets" in the new galaxy, and setting out in massive ships called arks, each race shipping about 20,000 passengers, they set off on a six hundred year trip in cryo-tanks to reach the new lands. I love this start! It says, "We can be anything, do anything!" If that's the plan, the game isn't showing its hand in this early section.

But to understand the story? Yeah. And all of it is just a conversation away. Take a minute to talk to Tali down in the engineering section of the Normandy and she'll tell you about it. The Quarian kid on Omega Station stuck trying to sell salvage for a ticket back to the migrant fleet will tell you about it. You'll see (or hear) pieces of the story scattered across a dozen worlds. Depending on dialog choices, mission order, who lives, who dies, who makes nice with who, you'll learn different pieces of the history, see different angles on the rights and wrongs of a thousand years of in-game lore. Same thing happens with Wrex and Grunt, the two massive Krogan warriors who join Shepard's crew. With Jack, the space-magic child prodigy abused by a system that only wanted to exploit her gifts. And Garrus, who became my Shepard's best, most reliable friend.

"In Mass Effect 1," Walters says, "we shipped so much content that you probably didn't see because it was meant to come out of the game. But it was actually still left in, hooked up, because we were still figuring out Unreal, we were figuring out the tools, we were figuring all that stuff. So if you actually cleaned it up and got more efficient with it, that's where we were at with ME3, and yet it was still so huge - just a massive amount of work.

Andromeda was a low-point for BioWare at the time and a perceived step down in terms of quality. But the company's standing would fall further when Anthem launched two years later - a game that was always an odd prospect for a renowned single-player RPG studio. And sadly the final product did nothing to change people's minds. Anthem was a game that struggled to find an identity of its own, and an audience, and so, two years later, EA and BioWare effectively gave up on it. 0852c4b9a8

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