Mask Match Kentucky

The KY state government has started their own website to collect commercially produced PPE. Their website is

This site was created to connect members of the public who have personal protective equipment (PPE) and front line health workers in Kentucky who desperately need it during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PPE - especially masks, such as N95 masks - are essential to protecting health care workers, who face particularly high risks of COVID-19 infection and who face severe shortages as COVID-19 cases threaten to overwhelm hospitals.

Our goal is to provide a simple, efficient online platform to connect PPE donors to health care providers in Kentucky. Many individuals and businesses (including contractors, nail salons, spas, museums, repair shops, and more) have PPE to give, and health care workers need those resources now more than ever.

If you have any questions or comments about the site, you can contact us at

TO DONATE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, please go here to locate your nearest donation center.

TO RECEIVE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, please fill out this form to be added to our site.