It is time!

Let's take control of COVID-19!

Join our campaign to ask that Governor Kim Reynolds enact a state-wide mask mandate.

I started this campaign on September 5 in hopes that those of us who are concerned about COVID-19 in Iowa could do something constructive to try to improve the state of the virus in our areas. Masks can truly make a difference in the spread! So far, I have distributed 3,000 postcards and 20 yard signs, all funded out of my own pocket.

Below you can request Postcards to personalize and send to Governor Reynolds or purchase a Yard Sign.

I would truly love to get yard signs ALL OVER the state! Do you want to help? There are three ways you can help make this happen.

1) Apply to be a Hub Manager to help distribute signs in your region. I am currently located in the Quad Cities region. Hubs would help to reduce the cost by getting signs to folks without me having to ship them individually (shipping cost is $10.90 just for postage, not including packaging.) I would take care of ordering in bulk and getting them to each Hub Manager.

2) Donate to my GoFundMe so I can purchase more signs and distribute them. I am currently completely out and don’t have the funds to make more at this time. My first set cost $9 each because I only ordered 20 (and that’s what I could afford). If I order larger quantities, cost comes down to about $5 each. I don't plan to profit. All donations will be used to purchase postcards, signs, or send items. Once the campaign is over (as soon as we get that mandate or COVID-19 is under control, whichever happens first), I will donate any extra funds to the Iowans negatively impacted by COVID-19.

3) Print your own! The file is available on my website

Thank you for supporting this campaign however you are doing so, whether it is by sending postcards, putting up signs, or making donations. Stay safe!


Send one postcard for every Iowan who has died from COVID-19

Iowa Deaths as of 11/14/2020:


Or download and print your own.

Looking for examples on what to say? Check them out here!

Mail postcards to:

Office of the Governor
Iowa State Capitol
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319

Or if you'd like to send to other leaders of the Iowa legislature, find their contact information here.

Questions or comments see our Contact page.

Updated 11/14/20