More Access Body Processes

Cellular Memory

If we have trauma, like we fall down and we break something or if we have a sore spot in our body, or even an operation, we can use the body process "Cellular memory". It is done on scar tissue. It unlocks the trauma so that it returns to its natural state - which is to heal. As you get more conscious and aware, your body needs to change too.

A lot of the pains in our body are as result of injuries we got as kids that we didn't even notice. Cellular memory is about unlocking the cells from a point of view in which they've been stuck so that they can go back to doing what they're supposed to be doing.

We're erasing the memory of the trauma that the cell has not let go of.

This is an incredibly dynamic process and creates seeming miracles by allowing the body to choose to heal.

It is extremely powerful when used with animals as well as people.

Biomimetic and Biomimetric Mimicry

Elimination, Eradication and Dissipation of Biomimetic and Biomimetric Mimicry of Other People's Pains, Pathways and Realities

Biomimetic is what you lock into the body trying to duplicate or understand others. It is a natural ability of the body to be able to fit in the rest of the world. You mimic others' pathways and points of view when you need to understand them from an intellectual or energetic point of view and that requires you to lock the similarities into your body in order to have clarity from your point of view to theirs

This is what you do in order to create your family genealogy. You try to biomimetically mimic the people in your family.

Biomimetric is how you try to locate yourself in the space of another. It's like when you have a relationship and you try to make the two of you fit together.

Biomimetic is what is locked into your body and biomimetric is how youtry to locate you in relationship to fitting with others.

A lot of the conditions in your body that you don't know can be changed actually can be undone by doing the hands-on body process, Biomimetic and Biomimetric Mimicry

MTVSS (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing Systems)

MTVSS is one of the most dynamic hands-on tools in Access. MTVSS is often the "tool of choice" for undoing almost any way the body is malfunctioning. It can have a major effect on the immune system, especially when done on the joints. MTVSS can undo ways hat our bodies have been altered throughout all time, space dimensions and realities. 

The molecular structures of our bodies have been set up with a valence shifting system. In order for a body to disintegrate and become aged and diminished, the chemical and molecular structures of the body have to have a valence shift. The longer we are present in a body with gravity, the more valence shifting occurs. Every time a valence is sloughed, it changes the molecular structure of the body. MTVSS is designed to undo this process. 

Using MTVSS on the Immune System MTVSS can have an incredibly dynamic effect: cancer and other potentially fatal diseases have been changed with regular use of it.

Gary M. Douglas has said, "If you will have it done weekly for 10 weeks, your body will start to show up as it was designed to be."

If you do MTVSS 20-30 times, your whole body structure will change. You will rewrite the blueprint of your body.