Masatomo Sawahara's page
Name: Masatomo Sawahara
Affiliation: Hirosaki University (Faculty of Education)
Address: Bunkyocho 1, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori 036-8560, JAPAN
Title: Assistant Professor
E-mail: sawaharam[at] / sawahara.masatomo[at]
If you want to contact me, please send an email to one of the above email addresses (replace "[at]" with "@").
[Warning] Please do not send my previous email address "sawaharam[at]"!!
Faculty Profiles (Hirosaki University):
Research Interest
My research area lies in algebraic geometry.
I am interested in the structure of normal algebraic surfaces defined over a field, which is not necessarily algebraically closed, and
the existing condition of cylinders in normal del Pezzo surfaces.
Keywords: Cylinders, Normal algebraic surfaces, Del Pezzo surfaces, Minimal compactifications (of open algebraic surfaces)
Hirosaki University's website: Hirosaki University Faculty of Education