Masahiro Endoh
Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
Ph.D. in Business and Commerce (Keio, 2000), M.A. (Keio, 1993), B.A. (Keio, 1991)
My profiles: @Keio University / @IDEAS / @Google Scholar / @researchmap
Publications (written in English)
"Margins, Concentration, and the Performance of Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Japanese Customs Data." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, forthcoming (joint with Keiko Ito, Naoto Jinji, Toshiyuki Matsuura, and Toshihiro Okubo, and Akira Sasahara).
"The Effect of Regional Import Shocks on Job Flows in Japanese Manufacturing Establishments." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, October 2024, 101337.
"The China Shock and Job Reallocation in Japan." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 68: 101257, 2023.
"The Impact of Firms’ International Trade on Domestic Suppliers: The Case of Japan." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 63: 101188, 2022.
"The Effect of Import Competition on Labor Income Inequality Through Firm and Worker Heterogeneity in the Japanese Manufacturing Sector." Japan and the World Economy, 59:101076, 2021.
"Offshoring and Working Hours Adjustments in a Within-firm Labor Market." Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 60: 101132, 2021.
"The Effect of Import Competition on Wages in the Japanese Manufacturing Sector." Asian Economic Papers, 17(1): 46–67, 2018.
"Can a Regional Trade Agreement Benefit a Nonmember Country without Compensating It?" Review of International Economics, 21(5): 912–922, 2013. (joint with Koichi Hamada and Koji Shimomura)
"The Effect of Intermediate and Final Goods Trade on Labor Demand in Japanese Firms." In: Globalism and Regional Economy, edited by Susumu Egashira, 19–37, Taylor and Francis, 2013. (joint with Sachiko Kazekami)
"Cross-Border Political Donations and Pareto-Efficient Tariffs." Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 21(4): 493–512, 2012.
"A Free Trade Area and its Neighbor’s Welfare: A Revealed Preference Approach." In: Globalization and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy, edited by Binh Tran-Nam, Ngo Van Long, and Makoto Tawada, 87–99, Emerald Group Publishing, 2008. (joint with Koichi Hamada and Koji Shimomura)
"Quality of Governance and the Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements." Review of International Economics, 14(5): 758–772, 2006.
"Characteristics of Commodities and International Trade: Two Hypotheses." Keio Business Review, 43: 23–41, 2006.
"On the Conditions that Preclude the Existence of the Lerner Paradox and the Metzler Paradox." Keio Economic Studies, 42(1/2): 39–50, 2005. (joint with Koichi Hamada)
"The Effects of the GSTP on Trade Flow: Mission Accomplished?" Applied Economics, 37(5): 487–496, 2005.
"Country Size, Geographical Closeness and the Choice of Partner Countries in Forming Preferential Trade Agreements." Keio Business Review, 41: 1–12, 2003.
"The Transition of Postwar Asia-Pacific Trade Relations." Journal of Asian Economics, 10(4): 571–589, 1999.
"Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in the EEC, the LAFTA and the CMEA: 1960-1994." Applied Economics, 31(2): 207–216, 1999.
Books (written in Japanese)
"The Economics of the Import Shock." 2023, Keio University Press.
"A Multilateral Analysis of Hokkaido's Economy." 2014, Keio University Press.
"International Economics." 2012, Yuhikaku Publishing. (joint with Kenzo Abe)
"An Economic Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements." 2005, University of Tokyo Press.
International Economics
Advanced Study of International Economy
Seminar: International Economics
Applied Economics Workshop
Hokkaido's Economy
Hokkaido's Economy
Under construction.
Masahiro Endoh, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University