PhD. (IMPRS Student)  

October 2017- January 2022

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig, Germany

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jost

Dissertation  June 2018- August 2021 ):

"Topological and Geometric Methods with a View Towards Data Analysis" 

Grade:  Summa Cum Laude for the Defense (Jan 2022) / Magna Cum Laude for the Dissertation 

M.Sc. Student 

September 2012- September 2014

Pure Mathematics,

Department of Mathematical Science, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 

 Thesis Title: Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT),  Mark: 19.2/20 (Excellent)

Supervisor:  Dr. Amir Jafari

Referee: Dr. Eaman Eftekhary,  Director, School of Mathematics, IPM Institute, Tehran

B.Sc. Student 

September 2008- September 2012

Pure Mathematics,

Department of Mathematics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran 

Supervisor:  Dr. Shahnaz Taheri


International Academic Awards/ Fellowships for Participating In Scientific Events:

  •  Research Workshop  on Applied Topology,  Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, September 2023
  • Workshop on Introduction to Computational Mathematics, Poznań, Poland,  2-3 July 2022 (Fully Funded)
  • Conference in Cohomological Methods in Geometry,  Freiburg, Germany (Full) Financial Support, 6-8 April 2022
During PhD.:
  • Workshop on Statistics for Topological and Discrete Data, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 800 Swiss franc,  25-29 May 2020  (Cancelled due to Corona)
  • Oxford Applied Topology School, Oxford, UK,(Partial) Financial Support, 29 March-3 April 2020 (Cancelled due to Corona)
  • 4th Meeting of young women in mathematics, Freiburg, Germany, (Full) Financial Support, 1-3 May 2019
 Before PhD.:
  • Applied Algebraic Topology Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 8-12 August 2017, 1300 euro awarded by Professor Kathryn Hess (École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Workshop in Geometric correspondence of Gauge Theories; ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September 2016, Fully Funded by the Conference


Peer Review Invitations  (Since 2019) : 

(Co) Organizer of :

 Teacher Assistant in :

Research Visits

Canada :