Archived Updates from 2018-2019 Legislative Season

POST: December 14, 2019


Hello everyone, I am Stephanie Summers. I am the lead person on the MDAD interpreter licensure bill team.

We are giving you updates: first, last weekend at PCRID conference, MDAD President and PCRID president shared updates what’s happening with the bill. Second, sent out email to organizations for stakeholders meeting to discuss the framework of the bill and start writing the bill together. Any questions or concerns please email at Again,

Thank you.

POST: March 9, 2019


Video description: The video opens with a black screen with a title and rows of text in white:

 "Update on HB1065, 

March 8, 2019, 

MDAD President Richard Jeffries, 

PCRID President Traci Ison; 

Signed by Kirsi Grigg-Langdon  (joint licensure workgroup interim chair)".

Fading into a new video of a Deaf white woman wearing black sweatshirt, hair in bun, in front of light beige curtains as background. She signs:

"The presidents of both organizations, MDAD and PCRID,

have asked me to make this vlog. 

This vlog is to share with Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing and Interpreting Community: There has been a decision to withdraw House Bill 1064: the Maryland Sign Language Interpreter Act. MDAD, PCRID, and the Joint Licensure Workgroup would like to thank the many stakeholders who participated in shaping the bill through the last few years. 

Both PCRID and MDAD are committed to moving forward in partnership, carrying on many past years of work, by reaching out in collaboration with all the various organizations, members, and stakeholders  of the community for an interpreter licensure bill. We will rework the bill and submit again next year, continuing to stand for accessibility for all with licensure for qualified and certified interpreters.

We look forward to communicating with all of you more over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, we want to thank all of you for your input and continued participation in this community-based effort of making the State of Maryland a better place for all Marylanders. 

Thank you. "

Fading into a black screen with three names as signatures with text in white: "Sincerely,

  Richard Jeffries, MDAD President

  Traci Ison, PCRID President

  Kirsi Langdon-Grigg, Interim Chair"

(End of Video Description)

POST: February 28, 2019

POST: February  20, 2019


POST: December 3, 2017 

The revision 7 of draft has been posted online!

A video-recording from Town Hall meeting on Nov. 18 is available! 

FAQ webpage is up and running! Please visit here or use the navigational tab above. 

The contact information about requesting for ASL-English interpreters for your meetings with delegate has been posted on "How Do I Get Involved" webpage-- please head over there to review the information.