
Journal Articles:

Haroon, M., Said, F. and Zafar, M. (2022). Changing Mindset to Foster Non-cognitive Skills and Academic Acheivement: Evidence from a field experiment in Pakistan, Journal of Asian Economics, 81, 101499. (AEA RCT Registry, Policy brief).

Haroon, M., & Chaudhry A., (2021). Where to Locate? The Correlation Between Spatial Proximity and Location Choice of New Firms: The Case of Pakistan. Asian Economic Journal, 35(2), 187-208.

Haroon, M. (2019). Productivity Dispersion across Districts in Punjab. Lahore Journal of Economics, 24(2), 25-48.

Chaudhry, T., Haseeb, M., & Haroon, M. (2017). Economic geography and misallocation in Pakistan's manufacturing hub. The Annals of Regional Science, 59(1), 189-208.