Mary Ann Tobin, PhD

Instructional Consultant

Assessment Specialist

Higher Education Professional

About Me

I collaborate with higher ed faculty, instructional designers, and administrators to develop curriculum, instruction, assessments, and policies that reduce barriers to student learning.

I also write and speak about the works of Charles Dickens, other 19th-century British authors, neo-Victorian pop culture, and teaching English composition and literature courses.


Ph.D. English Literature

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature

M. A. English Literature

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN

Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature

B. A. English Literature and Classical Civilizations

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

A. S. B. Fashion Merchandising

Duff’s Business Institute, Pittsburgh, PA

Higher Education Experience and Scholarship


Tobin, M. A. & Tobin, T. J. “Practical Strategies for Universal Design for Learning in Ukraine.” Virtual Service Pilot UKR1041: Support Teacher Skills in Digital Tools & Online Teaching. Peace Corps. June 15, 2023.

All in Good Time: Strategies for Making the Most of Each Minute.” (2022). Educators Forum, Certified Medical Assistant Today.

Teach to Reach with Mary Ann Tobin.” (2021). ThinkUDL Podcast.

Student Disability Resources Survey Report: Spring 2021. (2021). 

“A Mystery Unto Itself: Drood in Matthew Pearl’s The Last Dickens.” (2021). Dickens Society Virtual Symposium. 

“Teaching for Deep Learning with Universal Design for Learning (UDL).” (2021). Modern Language Association Annual Convention. 

A Guide to Item Analysis. (2018).

“Curriculum is the Key to Faculty-Driven Assessment.” (2015). Assessment Institute.

300 Ways to Teach the Epic.” (2012). Teaching Comics and Graphic Narratives: Essays on Theory, Strategy and Practice.

“From Sham to ‘Gentle Christian Man’ in Great Expectations.” Ed. Eugene Goodheart. (2009). Great Expectations. Critical Insights. 

“Dickens, Poe and the International Copyright Battle.” (2002). The Dickensian

Teaching and Learning 

Associate Research Professor & Instructional Consultant

Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence

The Pennsylvania State University

Director of Teaching and Learning

Instructor, Department of English

Triton College, River Grove, IL


Department of English

School of Leadership and Professional Advancement

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA


Department of English

Community College of Allegheny County, South Campus, West Mifflin, PA


Penn State

Accessibility Learning Path Committee

Committee on Curricular Affairs

Student Engagement Network Assessment Work Group

Student Engagement Network Engagement Coach

Universal Design for Learning Team


Conference Team. 2022 UDLHE Digicon.

Job Clinic Mentor. Northeast Modern Language Association. 

Planning Committee. 2014 - 2016 Illinois Community Colleges Assessment Fair. 

Planning Committee. 2014 Annual International Dickens Fellowship Conference. 

Professional Memberships

Dickens Society

International Dickens Fellowship, Pittsburgh, PA, Branch #97

Modern Language Association

Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education

Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education Network 

Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network