Raize Component Delphi 7.rar

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Raize Components: A User Interface Design System for Delphi 7

Raize Components is a collection of over 125 native VCL controls for Delphi and C++ Builder. It includes components for creating form frames, advanced editing controls, buttons, panels, grids, list views, drop-down menus, toolbars, status bars and more. Raize Components can help you design flexible and user-friendly interfaces for your applications.

If you are using Delphi 7 and want to use Raize Components, you may need to download or buy a compatible version. According to the official website of Raize Software[^1^], the latest version of Raize Components (version 6.2.3) supports Delphi 10.3 Rio and later versions. However, you can still find older versions of Raize Components that support Delphi 7 on some online platforms.

One of them is Shared code joint development network[^2^], where you can download Raize Components V5.1.2 for Delphi 7 _ 2005_2006_2007_2009.rar. This file contains the serial number and the installation file for Raize Components V5.1.2, which supports Delphi 7 and other versions. You can also find other resources related to Raize Components on this website, such as CodeSite Studio, DropMaster and EhLib.

Another option is to contact Raize Software directly and request a Delphi 7 compatible version of Raize Components. You can do this by posting a topic on their forum[^1^] or sending an email to support@raize.com. You may need to provide some information about your project and why you need to use Delphi 7. Ray Konopka, the founder of Raize Software and the author of Raize Components, may be able to help you with your request.

Raize Components is a powerful and versatile user interface design system for Delphi and C++ Builder. If you are using Delphi 7 and want to use Raize Components, you have some options to download or buy a compatible version. You can also explore other features and products of Raize Software on their website[^1^] or their forum[^1^].Here is a possible continuation of the article:

In this section, we will show you how to install Raize Components on Delphi 7 and how to use some of its components in your projects. We will assume that you have already downloaded Raize Components V5.1.2 for Delphi 7 _ 2005_2006_2007_2009.rar from Shared code joint development network or obtained a compatible version from Raize Software.

Installing Raize Components on Delphi 7

To install Raize Components on Delphi 7, you need to follow these steps:

Extract the Raize Components V5.1.2 folder from the rar file and open it.

Open the License.txt file and copy the serial number.

Run the RC5.exe file and follow the installation wizard.

When prompted, enter the serial number and your name.

Select the components that you want to install and the destination folder.

Click Next and Finish to complete the installation.

After the installation, you should see a new tab called Raize in the Component Palette of Delphi 7. You can now use Raize Components in your projects.

Using Raize Components in Delphi 7

Raize Components offers a wide range of controls for designing user interfaces in Delphi 7. You can use them to create form frames, advanced editing controls, buttons, panels, grids, list views, drop-down menus, toolbars, status bars and more. You can also customize their appearance and behavior using their properties and events.

To use Raize Components in Delphi 7, you need to follow these steps:

Create a new project or open an existing one in Delphi 7.

Select the Raize tab in the Component Palette and drag and drop the components that you want to use on your form.

Adjust their size and position using the mouse or the Object Inspector.

Set their properties and events using the Object Inspector or the Code Editor.

Run or compile your project and see how your user interface looks and works.

Here is an example of a simple project that uses some Raize Components:

This project uses a TRzForm as the main form, which has a custom caption bar with a gradient background and an icon. It also uses a TRzPanel as a container for other controls, which has a beveled border and a gradient background. Inside the panel, there are two TRzEdit controls for entering text, which have flat borders and transparent backgrounds. There are also two TRzButton controls for performing actions, which have flat borders and custom colors. Finally, there is a TRzStatusBar at the bottom of the form, which shows some information and has a gradient background.

All these components have been customized using their properties in the Object Inspector. For example, to change the caption bar color of the TRzForm, we set its CaptionBar.Gradient property to True and its CaptionBar.StartColor and CaptionBar.EndColor properties to different values. To change the border style of the TRzEdit controls, we set their BorderStyle property to bsFlat and their Transparent property to True. To change the color of the TRzButton controls, we set their Color property to clWhite and their Font.Color property to clBlue.

You can also use events to add functionality to your user interface. For example, to make the first button show a message when clicked, we double-clicked on it in the form designer and added this code in its OnClick event handler:

procedure TForm1.RzButton1Click(Sender: TObject);


  ShowMessage('Hello from Raize Components!');


You can explore more features and options of Raize Components by browsing through their documentation or by experimenting with different components and properties. You can also find some demos and samples in the installation folder of Raize Components.


Raize Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++ Builder that offers over 125 native VCL controls. It can help you create flexible and user-friendly interfaces for your applications with ease. If you are using Delphi 7 and 66dfd1ed39

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