
Apr 2024           Lecturer in a course on Social Cognition in a Master 2 program of cognitive science (COGMASTER in Paris). Title of the lecture: Collective decision-making and responsibility

Mar 2024     Lecturer in a course on 'behavioural insights and political behaviour' at Sciences Po (Paris) in the master in Public Policy or European Affairs at the school of public affairs. Title of the lecture: collective decision-making.

Sep-Dec 2023    Teaching a 12 weeks course on 'behavioural insights and political behaviour' at Sciences Po (Paris) in the master in Public Policy or European Affairs at the school of public affairs.

Apr 2023           Lecturer in a course on Social Cognition in a Master 2 program of cognitive science (COGMASTER in Paris). Title of the lecture: Collective decision-making and responsibility

Dec 2021        Lecturer in the LIFE seminar on Decision-making at the International Max-Planck Research School on the Life Course PhD program. Title of lecture: Social decision-making. 

Nov 2019         Lecturer in the neurodesign lecture series at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI). Title of lecture: Shared responsibility in collective decisions (recorded)

Feb 2019             Lecturer in a course ‘Current Issues in Cognitive Neuroscience II: Elaborative & Adaptive Processes’ for a master at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL. Title of lecture: Social decisions: From perceptual to collective decisions.

Jan 2019             Presentation in ‘Methods for dummies’, a course organized at the Wellcome Trust Center for Neuroimaging on imaging techniques. Title of presentation: M/EEG Preprocessing & Experimental Design.

2016           Lecturer in a course on Brain imaging in a Business Master program at Sciences Politiques University. Title of lecture: An introduction to Electroencephalograpghy.

2014             Lecturer in a course on Economic and Social behaviors in a Master 2 program of cognitive sciences (COGMASTER in Paris). Title of the lecture: Emotion perception: a model-based approach.

2014             Presentation in One-day users meetings of the CENIR MEG-EEG platform, Brain & Spine institute, Paris. Title of presentation: Encoding of perceptual information using single-trial EEG regressions.

2012             Presentation in One-day users meetings of the CENIR MEG-EEG platform, Brain & Spine institute, Paris. Title of presentation: EEG study - Analysis with EEGlab - Is the integration of socially relevant cues task dependent?

2012-2015    Teaching Neurobiology and Cellular Physiology courses to 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students in biology at Paris 06 and tutoring (advice and help for their integration at university) 1st year science undergraduate students at Paris 06.


Feb-June 2022 Co-supervision of an undergraduate student for an interdisciplinary literature review internship (Project: Group decisions influence on leader choice)

Oct 2021-Jun 2022 Esther Ibanez (master student, 2nd year project), Max-Planck for Human Development, Berlin (Project: Group affiliation influence on collective perceptual decisions)

Sep 2019- March 2020 David Wurzer (master student, 2nd year project), UCL, London (Project: Interaction between accuracy and shared responsibility in collective decisions)

Sep-Dec 2018 David Wurzer (master student, 1st year prject) LMU, Munich (Project: Change of mind and group decisions)

Oct 2017-June 2018 Chloe Seikus, master student at UCL, London (Project: Punishment of individuals and groups in cooperative games)

2013-2015 3 undergraduate students (2-3months each) and 1 master student (2nd year project, 6months) doing behavioural experiments as part of my PhD project.

2006-2007 Private tutor for a 15 year-old student in science, history and languages.


July 2018 Aegina Summer School, Social Cognition: Norms & Biases in Social Interactions, Aegina, Greece, June 30– July 6th, 2018 : Responsible for one career workshop : transitioning from PhD to Post-doctorate.

Sep 2019 Introduction session to students at LMU, Munich, what cognitive science can bring to applied research for policy change and the industry.