#martyisdead is a Czech thriller webseries that was released on 20 October 2019 Mall.TV. It was created in cooperation with CZ.NIC, filmed by the Czech company Bionaut. It deals with cyberbullying and was inspired by real events drawing inspiration from Blue Whale Challenge.[1]

The series unravels story of ninth-grade student Martin Biederman, who becomes a victim of cyberbullying. Martin is killed in a car accident at the beginning of the series, and his father, Petr Biederman, finds out from his Facebook profile that he was blackmailed by someone posing as a girl named Elika Svobodov. "Elika" convinced Martin to send her a video of him masturbating, then used it to blackmail him, forcing him to carry out tasks such as killing his family dog by putting it in a freezer. Petr, finding the police investigation of his son's death to be progressing too slowly, begins investigating on his own, gradually unraveling the sequence of events that led to his demise.

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The pilot episode was broadcast on October 20, 2019 on its website by MALL.TV; the remaining seven episodes were published one every Sunday until 8 December 2019. During the preparation of the sequel, the series received an Emmy Award nomination.[2]

In September 2020, #martyisdead was historically the first Czech series to be nominated for an international Emmy Award, in the category of Short-Form Series. The series won the award in November.[3] It won the main prize at the Serial Killer festival, where it premiered.[4] In March 2021, it won the Czech Lion Award for the Extraordinary achievement in the field of audiovisual.[5][6]

The sequel, called #annaismissing, is again co-produced by MALL.TV and Bionaut. It was originally scheduled for release in May 2021.[2] Creators eventually decided to produce it as a feature-length film. It premiered in 2023.[7][citation needed]

Deanna Esmaeel, a deputy in the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office in Crescent City Calif., was found dead at her home Oct. 12. She was 67. A day later, her boyfriend Daniel James Walter, who in July changed his name to Edward Patrick Davies, was arrested in Curry County, Oregon on suspicion of murder in connection with her death, the department said in a statement on Facebook. It is unclear if he has a lawyer.

Before the suspect was detained, York shared news of his mother's death on his Instagram, along with Walter's arrest warrant. "This is the hardest post I'll ever have to write but I found out from the sheriff department last night that my mother was murdered by a man she was seeing," he wrote. "The emotions I have are horrible right now between rage, vengance, crying."

"We are all deeply heartbroken with the loss of Deputy Esmaeel," Del Norte County Sheriff Garrett Scott said in a statement on Facebook. "Our hearts and prayers go out to her family, friends, and co-workers."

Deanna Esmaeel, a deputy in the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office in Crescent City Calif., was found dead at her home Oct. 12. She was 67. A day later, her boyfriend Daniel James Walter, who in July changed his name to Edward Patrick Davies, was arrested in Curry County, Oregon on suspicion of murder in connection with her death, the department said in a statement on Facebook. It is unclear if he has a lawyer.

The actor received messages of condolences from fans and former colleagues, including Boy Meets World alum Danielle Fishel. York had appeared on a few episodes of the '90s teen series.

"We are all deeply heartbroken with the loss of Deputy Esmaeel," Del Norte County Sheriff Garrett Scott said in a statement on Facebook. "Our hearts and prayers go out to her family, friends, and co-workers."

Jean and I had been very tight friends with Marty for years. Part of the Chart Room crowd during our time. Included Che Cohen, English Peter Bamberger, Sheila Cullens, David Hecht, Valerie Chelley, and Steve and Cindy Thompson. Several others whose names now escape me. For years, we met every evening at the Chart Room. Between 5 and 6. Some evenings to be spent at the Chart Room till late. Others a few drinks and then some of us would wander off to have dinner somewhere.

I learned early on to avoid political discussions with him. He was one tough guy to have a political discussion with. He and Che used to have frequent political arguments at the Chart Room Bar itself. Two hard asses going at it.

Marty made his living as a court stenographer. Began his career in January 1963. His primary residence was a lovely spacious home in Fort Lauderdale on the intercoastal. He ran a steno business in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami areas as well as in Key West. The entire time I knew him, he maintained a second residence in Key West. It seemed like he was in Key West more than his northern quarters.

Our relationship died a slow death. I suspect it was my fault. Marty invited me many times to visit he and his wife in Fort Lauderdale and at his home on stilts somewhere on a sand bar in the Atlantic Ocean. For no reason at all, I neve made the trip. I suspect Maty became insulted and stopped even telephoning after a while.

Two weeks ago, I received a telephone call from Marty. I had neither seen nor heard from him in more than 10 years. I thought he was calling to ask about my health. My recent heart surgeries I had reported on in my blog. Not the case. In fact, he did not know I had the surgeries and told me he stopped reading my blog years ago.

Why then the call? He had no reason. Just made the call. We chatted for an hour. About the old days and the Chart Room. Told me he had sold the big house on the intercoastal and he and the wife had moved into smaller quarters. No new invitation to visit was made.

You dishonor the dead. We may have been politically miles apart. However he was a first class person and citizen. We argued. He did not disrespect. Just as he did not believe I was disrespecting him or his position when I always disagreed with him. I viewed our exchanges as democracy in the extreme. I did not expect everyone to agree with me nor he with him. Though he would have been a Trump supporter, he was not the nut Trump is.

Lou, thank you for your lovely tribute to Marty Leshaw and sharing your memories of a good man. It saddens me to see some of these responses from people who do not know him but are so quick to condemn him based on being a repulican!?. He and Donna are/were my friends and neighbors in Fort Lauderdale. He loved to debate and get a response out of you. I do think Marty had come to terms that it was his time and he was ready to go. Up until a few weeks ago you would still see him and Donna heading out in the golf cart for a night on the town. RIP Marty

"My uncle says I was born dead," commented James, a 15-year old drug dealer. He ignored the judge's well-intentioned admonishments at his disposition hearing. Defense counsel had argued for community placement, but the judge sent him to an institution because he had not attended school for nearly a year and his mother was a substance abuser. James did not seem to care about being locked up. Born to a teenage mother, he lives on welfare in a public housing project described in the newspapers as "dilapidated, dangerous and drug-infested." James is convinced that he can never escape poverty. "My uncle says I'll die in the project where I was born, so I might as well get the most I can today and take the falls when they come."

James does not believe in rehabilitation. The educational and vocational programs at the institution hold no promise for him. He is reading at the fifth grade level and is ineligible for the high school equivalency course. He knows that the institution's limited vocational training will not get him a job at better than the minimum wage. James plans to sell drugs when he is released from the institution--it is the only entry level job where his lack of skills does not disqualify him. He can have clothes he is proud of and can augment the welfare check his mother and three siblings barely survive on.

James does not look ahead when he faces adult prison. Three years is a long time. He might not live that long. His uncle's philosophy offers him the only way to tolerate his life: since things could be no worse, he has nothing to lose by getting what he can today. He sees three generations living in one public housing apartment. His young uncle is in jail, and another was killed. He does not know anyone who has escaped poverty. James was born dead--he never had a future.

James does not want what we think he needs. James' futurelessness challenges our assumptions about rehabilitation and the foundations of the juvenile justice system. Whether it is vocational training or counseling, good treatment consists of helping a person achieve his/her plan. Many delinquents have no plan. Traditional rehabilitative strategies cannot reach young people who are born dead.

Rehabilitation requires two elements: the means and the desire. The court can provide the authority and funding for rehabilitation, which is not available from the family or school. But we have assumed that delinquents would have the desire to improve their lives. Instead, many of them feel too hopeless to believe a better life is possible. The judge cannot order James to be motivated.

James does not have an antisocial personality disorder. He knows right from wrong, and taking responsibility for his mother is a demonstration of these values. He thinks robbing people and burglarizing homes are criminal acts. Selling drugs, on the other hand, is his only way to survive.

How can anyone in the juvenile justice system--judge, defense attorney, prosecutor, probation officer, outside evaluator--help James and many delinquents like him? Do we believe that they have futures any better than their pasts? Do we believe that rehabilitative services can offer them access to noncriminal lifestyles? Have we seen service providers enable youth like James to give up their victim mentality, go after better lives for themselves, and succeed despite the obstacles? To understand how we can reach born dead youth, we must examine what they want, what they need, and how they can be empowered to get their needs met. 152ee80cbc

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