Martin Halbert

Greetings! My name is Martin Halbert. This is my personal website, serving as a combined portfolio of my work, personal reflections, and information about me. This website was created at the beginning of 2021; I will be adding information to it.

Sections of this Website:


Welcome to my web site. Here you will find a variety of information about me, my comments, and publications on various topics. For more information about me, see the About page.


I have authored a variety of works. Please see my Publications page for a list.

Sponsored Projects

I have successfully obtained many grants in the course of my career, amounting to more than $7M in sponsored funding. Many of these sponsored projects were collaborative efforts involving a number of institutional partners. For summaries of these awards, see my page on Sponsored Projects.


I have led the creation of many repositories of research information in my career. The number of specialized research repositories has grown tremendously over the past two decades to form an emerging ecosystem of research information hubs. For information on my repository-related work and thoughts, please see my site page on Repositories.