
Ass. Prof. Dr. Martin Friesen

School of Mathematical Sciences

Dublin City University

Glasnevin, Dublin 9, D09 W6Y4

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School of Mathematical Sciences, Dublin City University, Ireland

School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Wuppertal University (BUW), Germany

Department of Mathematics, Bielefeld University, Germany

"Semigroup methods for birth-and-death evolutions in the continuum", summa cum laude

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yuri Kondratiev

Department of Mathematics, Bielefeld University, Germany

Department of Mathematics, Bielefeld University, Germany

Prices, Awards, Scholarships, and Research Funding

Numerical study of rough volatility models in Financial markets, Student: Patrik O'Brien (ACM student at the DCU)

Committee work

Organization of conferences, workshops, and schools

Lectures Ph.D. and Master mini-courses

Talks at conferences, workshops, and seminars

Referee work