Martina Conte

Postdoctoral Fellow 

Welcome into my BioMathWorld

I would define myself as a biomathematician. I am deeply interested in the study of topics arising from biological and medical problems, valuing both the modeling and the numerical aspects. I particularly believe in the importance of working in interdisciplinary teams and in the combination of theoretical and experimental knowledge.

Current Position

Postdoctoral Fellow: Research group  of Mathematical Physics - Department of Mathematical, Physical, and Computer Sciences, University of Parma - Italy

GSP Visiting Scholar:  Research group on Mathematical Oncology - Department of Computational and Quantitative Medicine, City of Hope - California, USA

Past positions

2021-2024: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) - supervised by Prof. A. Tosin

2021: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Granada (Spain) - supervised  by  Prof. J. Soler

2017-2021: INPhINIT ”laCaixa” / Marie Skłowdowska-Curie PhD Fellow at BCAM (Spain)


2021: Ph. D. in Mathematics and Statistics - University of the Basque Country (Spain)

Thesis: Mathematical models for glioma growth and migration inside the brain

Supervisors: Prof. Luca Gerardo-Giorda (JKU and RICAM) & Prof. Juan Soler (UGR)

2017: M. Sc. in Mathematics - University of Parma  (Italy)

Thesis: A multiscale mathematical model for glioma spread with proliferation and therapy

Supervisors: Prof. Maria Groppi (UNIPR) & Prof. Luigi Preziosi (PoliTO)

2015: B. Sc. in Mathematics - University of Parma (Italy)

Tesis: Qualitative analysis of a kinetic model for tumor-immune system interaction

Supervisors: Prof. Maria Groppi (UNIPR) & Prof. Giampiero Spiga (UNIPR)

Research Interests

Multiscale modeling,  kinetic equations, macroscopic limits, nonlinear dynamics and partial differential equations, data analysis and integration, and numerical simulation  with application in biology and medicine and, specifically, in cancer invasion.