Martin Zubeldia

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) at the University of Minnesota.

Before joining the University of Minnesota, I spent a year as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and two years as a Postdoc in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology and in the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam. I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2019, where I was lucky to be advised by David Gamarnik and John Tsitsiklis. 

My research primarily focuses on using applied probability for the modeling, analysis, and control of large-scale stochastic decision and learning systems. I am particularly interested in exploring the fundamental tradeoffs between performance, efficiency, and scalability that arise in these systems, and in how we can combine traditional model-based analysis with newer data-centric approaches to get the best of both worlds.

If you are a student at the University of Minnesota, and interested in working at the interface of applied probability, machine learning, and networking, please reach out to me.




Non-asymptotic Staffing of Service Systems with a Finite Population

S. Benjaafar, X. Shen, and M. Zubeldia -- Submitted

Distributed Speed Scaling in Large-Scale Service Systems

D. Rutten, M. Zubeldia, and D. Mukherjee --  Submitted

Concentration of Contractive Stochastic Approximation: Additive and Multiplicative Noise

Z. Chen,  S. T. Maguluri, and M. Zubeldia -- Major revision in The Annals of Applied Probability

Join-the-Shortest Queue with Abandonment: Critically Loaded and Heavily Overloaded Regimes

P. R. Jhunjhunwala, M. Zubeldia, and S. T. Maguluri --  Major revision in Mathematics of Operations Research

Matching Queues with Abandonments in Quantum Switches: Stability and Throughput Analysis

M. Zubeldia, P. R. Jhunjhunwala, and S. T. Maguluri -- Minor revision in Operations Research

Journal papers

Learning traffic correlations in multi-class queueing systems by sampling queue lengths

M. Zubeldia and M. Mandjes - Performance Evaluation (2022)

Stability, memory, and messaging tradeoffs in heterogeneous service systems

D. Gamarnik, J.N. Tsitsiklis, and M. Zubeldia - Mathematics of Operations Research (2022)

Large deviations for acyclic networks of queues with correlated Gaussian inputs

M. Zubeldia and M. Mandjes - Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications (2021)

Zero-Wait Load Balancing with Sparse Messaging

M. van der Boor, M. Zubeldia, and S. Borst -- Operations Research Letters 48 (3), 368-375 (2020)

Delay-optimal policies in partial fork-join systems with redundancy and random slowdowns

M. Zubeldia -- ACM Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 4 (2), Article No. 2 (2020)

A lower bound on the queueing delay in resource constrained load balancing

D. Gamarnik, J.N. Tsitsiklis, and M. Zubeldia -- Annals of Applied Probability 30 (2), 870-901 (2020)

Finalist, 2019 INFORMS APS Best Student Paper Award

Collaboratively Learning the Best Option on Graphs, Using Bounded Local Memory

L. Su, M. Zubeldia, and N. Lynch -- ACM Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 3 (1), Article No. 11 (2019)

Delay Scaling in Many-Sources Wireless Networks without Queue State Information

S. Borst and M. Zubeldia -- ACM Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 2 (2), Article No. 34 (2018)

Delay, memory, and messaging tradeoffs in distributed service systems

D. Gamarnik, J.N. Tsitsiklis, and M. Zubeldia -- Stochastic Systems 1 (7), 1-54 (2018)

Finalist, 2016 INFORMS George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition

Reciprocity and efficiency in peer exchange of wireless nodes through convex optimization

F. Paganini, M. Zubeldia, and A. Ferragut -- Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 3 (4), 257-270 (2016)

Neighbor selection for proportional fairness in P2P networks

M. Zubeldia, A. Ferragut, and F. Paganini -- Computer Networks 83 (4), 249-264 (2015)

Overcoming performance pitfalls in rate-diverse high speed WLANs

M. Zubeldia, A. Ferragut, and F. Paganini -- Computer Networks 57 (17), 3673-3685 (2013)

Conference papers

Distributed Speed Scaling in Large-Scale Service Systems

D. Rutten, M. Zubeldia, and D. Mukherjee --  SIGMETRICS 2024 (extended abstracts)

Learning traffic correlations in multi-class queueing systems by sampling queue lengths

M. Zubeldia and M. Mandjes - IFIP Performance 2021 (extended abstracts)

Delay-optimal policies in partial fork-join systems with redundancy and random slowdowns

M. Zubeldia -- SIGMETRICS 2020 (extended abstracts)

Collaboratively Learning the Best Option on Graphs, Using Bounded Local Memory

L. Su, M. Zubeldia, and N. Lynch -- SIGMETRICS 2019 (extended abstracts)

Delay Scaling in Many-Sources Wireless Networks without Queue State Information

S. Borst and M. Zubeldia -- SIGMETRICS 2018 (extended abstracts)

Delay, memory and messaging tradeoffs in distributed service systems

D. Gamarnik, J. N. Tsitsiklis and M. Zubeldia -- SIGMETRICS 2016

Trading off efficiency and reciprocity in wireless peer-to-peer file sharing

F. Paganini, M. Zubeldia and A. Ferragut -- WiOPT 2015

Dynamics of heterogeneous peer-to-peer networks

F. Paganini, A. Ferragut and M. Zubeldia -- CDC 2013

Proportional fairness in heterogeneous peer-to-peer networks through reciprocity and Gibbs sampling

M. Zubeldia, A. Ferragut and F. Paganini -- Allerton 2013

Averting speed inefficiency in rate-diverse WiFi networks through queueing and aggregation

M. Zubeldia, A. Ferragut and F. Paganini -- GLOBECOM 2012


Delay, stability, and resource tradeoffs in large distributed service systems

Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, August 2019

supervised by David Gamarnik and John Tsitsiklis

From resource allocation to neighbor selection in peer-to-peer networks.

M.Sc. Thesis, Universidad ORT Uruguay, August 2014

supervised by Andres Ferragut and Fernando Paganini

Efficiency and fairness in WiFi networks (in Spanish).

B.S. Thesis, Universidad ORT Uruguay, May 2012

supervised by Andres Ferragut and Fernando Paganini

Awards and recognitions

Finalist, 2019 INFORMS APS Best Student Paper Award for the paper "A lower bound on the queueing delay in resource constrained load balancing".

Outstanding Poster Award , Stochastic Networks 2018.

Finalist, 2016 INFORMS George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition for the paper "Delay, memory, and messaging tradeoffs in distributed service systems".

Irwin Mark Jacobs Presidential Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2014-2015).

National graduate studies scholarship, ANII-Uruguay (2013-2014).

Award for exceptional academic performance, Universidad ORT Uruguay (2012).

Initiation to research scholarship, ANII-Uruguay (2011-2012).

Full undergraduate scholarship for academic excellence, Universidad ORT Uruguay (2007-2012).

© Martin Zubeldia, 2022