Co-Authored Presentations (without assigned paper)

Brandes E, Henseler M, Kreins P, Hermann F, Wendland F, Tagg A, Labrenz M. 2019. Estimating the spatial distribution of microplastics in agricultural soils (presentation), In Science Meets Practice, GfÖ (ed). 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Gesellschaft Für Ökologie (GfÖ): Münster, Germany; 249. Available from:

Müller T, Dechow R, Kreins P, Henseler M, Klumpp K. 2019. Modelling of GHG/ N2O mitigation by climate-smart pH management (presentation), In DASIM Conference. “Tracing Denitrification” March 12 -14 2019 in Giessen, Germany.

Henseler M, Kreins P. 2017. Overview of research project work with RAUMIS (presentation), In Le Havre Normandie University, EDEHN Seminar. Le Havre, France.

Henseler M, Kreins P, Wendland F. 2016. An integrated model for the assessment of water quality and pollution reduction measures (presentation), In INRAE-Smart: SMART seminar. Rennes, France. Available from:

Dechow R, Henseler M, Gebbert S, Leppelt T, Kreins P. 2013. Modeling regionally differentiated N2O emissions of agricultural soils in Germany by linking an agro economic and a data based model (presentation), In Status Konferenz - Sustainable Landmanagagement. Berlin, Germany.

Gömann H, Dechow R, Fick J, Kreins P, Henseler M, Hoymann J, Goetzke R. 2013. Sector-encompassing baseline of Land use in Germany - Integration of global and regional perspective (presentation), In Status Konferenz - Sustainable Landmanagagement. Berlin, Germany.

Wirsig A, Henseler M, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2008. Auswirkungen des Globalen Wandels auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion im Donau Einzugsgebiet – Szenarienrechnungen mit einem Regionalmodell (presentation), In Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Umbruch. Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany.

Wirsig A, Henseler M, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2007. Global Change scenarios calculated with ACRE-Danube: Impacts on agricultural production in the Austrian Danube basin (presentation), In Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Agricultural Economists (SGA), Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne.

Printz A, Gaiser T, Stahr K, Götzinger J, Jagelke J, Henseler M, Yang W, Barthel R, Schneider M, Lange F-M. 2006. Überblick über die Szenarienbildung und Einführung in die integrierte Modellierung (presentation), In Zukunftsperspektiven für ein integ-riertes Wasserressourcen-Management im Einzugsgebiet Neckars.

Henseler M, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2006. The agro-economic production model “ACRE” for the Neckar river basin (presentation), In Integrated River Basin Management in Contrasting Climate Zones. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Dabbert S. 2006a. An agro-economic production model for a Middle European river basin – first results of CAP reform scenario calculations (presentation), In 26th International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference (IAAE 2006). Gold Coast, Australia.

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Dabbert S. 2006b. Erste Ergebnisse der GAP-Reform-Szenarienrechnung mit dem Modell ACRE-Neckar (presentation), In Zukunftsperspektiven für ein integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management im Einzugsgebiet des Neckar. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.

Krimly T, Henseler M, Dabbert S. 2006. Auswirkungen der Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktion im Neckareinzugsgebiet (presentation), In Zukunftsperspektiven für ein integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management im Einzugsgebiet des Neckar. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.

Wirsig A, Henseler M, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2005. ACRE – an agro-economic production model on regional level (presentation), In Multifunctionality of Landscapes – Analysis, Evaluation, and Decision Support. Giessen, Germany.

Henseler M, Wirsig A, Krimly T, Dabbert S. 2005. The agro-economic production model “ACRE” for the Neckar river basin - first results (presentation), In International Workshop of RIVERTWIN. Contonou, Benin.

Henseler M. 2005b. Status quo of the agro-economic model on regional level (presentation), In 3rd Integration Workshop of RIVERTWIN (A regional model for integrated water management in twinned river basins). Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.