The James Martial Arts Academy is a martial arts academy where students can learn Kajukenbo the most groundbreaking martial arts training and self-defense Techniques with the Experts of the James Martial Arts Academy.
Why Martial Arts Training Should Be Learned and Utilized
There are people who ignore the potential benefits of martial arts training, instead believing that its methods are outdated and of no real use in a street fight. There is no denying that there are certain forms that are slow and rigid, which is next to useless when it comes to a street fight, but to tar, all martial arts styles with the same brush is ignorant and wrong. While it can take years to develop into the kind of fighting machine you hope to be, the various transformations that you will undergo physically, mentally, and in terms of focus make martial arts a worthy addition to anyone's 'to-do' list.
Virtually every form of this arts benefits you physically. Although you will not be transformed into the Karate Kid or have the ability to demolish concrete blocks with your hands, your physique will noticeably improve for the better. Bodyweight training is a staple of every type of this arts training and these thousands of push-ups will eventually have a positive effect on your body. The punching and kicking drills are also a fantastic way to tone up your body as well as giving you endurance. Unlike those who engage in workouts involving machine weights which encourage uneven development, martial arts improves your body's strength simultaneously.
Of course, practitioners will tell you that the greatest benefit of all is that of mental strength. First of all, those who practice will gain greater self confidence. This is initially achieved through their progression through the ranks as they graduate from white belt to yellow to green and possibly to black. Knowing that your strength has increased and your ability to defend yourself is far beyond what it once was is also liberating.
No longer will you be the easy target you once were. The streets are dangerous but having the ability to defend yourself makes walking home a little less daunting. If you are intent on maintaining the great feeling that comes with becoming proficient in martial arts training it is important that you continue to practice.
This will be easy enough for anyone who is not yet at a high level. Once you increase your ability and head towards black belt status though, it becomes easier to slack off in the knowledge that you are able to defend yourself.
While this may be the case, inactivity can dull your reflexes which are an important part of martial arts execution. Practicing continuously so that the moves become second nature is essential if you wish to come out triumphant in a street fight. Having a dazzling array of weapons in your possession is next to useless if you don't take them out and sharpen them once in a while.
Benefits of Martial Arts Training
Martial arts training offers numerous benefits from both a physical and mental standpoint. Most people are quite surprised at the benefits they receive from martial arts training. The most obvious benefit that people see is the ability to learn and apply self-defense techniques.
By doing this students see an increase in their level of confidence by knowing they are learning how to defend themselves. During this process students will see and increase in flexibility, strength, power, speed, and overall stamina. Through repetition most people notice that their range of motion and flexibility increases significantly.
As you continually work the muscles of the body they get stronger and more powerful. Students typically see weight loss and an increase in muscle tone due to all of the exercises they perform in a typical class.
Over time people see an increase in the speed of their techniques, especially compared to when they started training.

The benefits that most people don't expect are just as exciting. When you focus on a martial arts class, it helps you forget the stress of the day, and your worries disappear. When you are training hard and sweating, you get to the point where you feel "in the zone". It's a natural high based on adrenaline and just doing something you love.
Even if you're having a bad day, a great workout can help you mentally change things around and feel great. I suggest you try it, next time you get frustrated, stand up and do some jumping jacks to go for a brisk walk or start a training session, it's amazing!
Another great benefit of martial arts training is the improvement you will see in your coordination. Martial arts is one of the few activities where you work both sides of the body. You throw kicks with both legs which helps with both balance and coordination. When you throw punches you also practice your dominant and non-dominant hand. Most sports focus on one aspect, like baseball for instance, you always throw with one hand and catch up with the other. Basketball you typically shoot with one hand, bowling uses one hand, and the list goes on.
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Regardless of the style of martial arts you choose to study, any great program will offer a great workout combined with solid techniques. A couple things to remember before you start are first, consult a doctor and get his approval before starting.
Second, take your time and ease into a new program. Remember, safety first, low and slow, and enjoy all of the aspects of training.
Women's Self-Defense and Domestic Abuse
Most people would think that women's self-defense is only to protect a woman from a robber, rapist, or murderer. Most women who are attacked are attacked by a loved one or a person that they know. Domestic abuse is the number one reason a woman should take a women's self-defense class.
Many women suffer physical, emotional, and psychological abuse from their partners, boyfriends, or husbands. Even children and teenagers have been known to attack their girlfriends or mothers. You have to know how to protect yourself and protect your children from harm. The lack of knowledge about women's self-defense has proved lethal in the many cases of abuse.
Domestic abuse issues plague all walks of life. No matter if you live in an urban or rural area or if you are rich or poor, domestic abuse is a part of life and without the knowledge of women's self-defense; you are seeding the problem that you or your children will be harmed or killed.
Domestic abuse crosses the barriers of race, religion, or socio-economic status. You could have been married for ten years and then your partner will start to become abusive.
Excessive drug use or alcohol use can spur these attacks, but the amount of stress that society puts upon our daily lives may just cause your partner to snap. You need to be ready when the moment comes so that you can protect what is precious to you, your dignity, your body, and your life.
A women's self-defense course can be easily found within your community. Call your local law enforcement agency and ask if they offer the service. Sometimes your YMCA will host a women's defense course which is at a low cost or sometimes free. Check out your local paper. Sometimes a women's self-defense course is listed in the community activities section. Just jot down the time and place and make time to attend. These lessons are usually short and very informative. Even take your kids. Sometimes the knowledge shared there can give you a little more confidence in their safety and well-being. You have to get out there try. Nobody is going to make the call for you, so find a women's self-defense course and attend.
If you are experiencing abuse, the best advice is to get out. If you want to salvage the relationship, you both can go to counseling. Do not let your significant other get away with it any longer. Go to a relative or a friend and only contact that person when you can be with another person.
How to Maintain Your Martial Arts Training at the Highest Level
How do you train at the highest level? Is this a question that you have asked yourself? I have had the same issue; one of the things we have found is that in order to train well, you as a Martial Artist must be willing to make sacrifices. You must also be willing to invest in the tools that will enable you to train at the desired level. We have trained hundreds of Martial Artist, one thing they all have in common is the first investment they decide to make as Martial Artists. The first thing they decide to invest is their time. It takes at least 10 hours a week to train at a high level. You as a Martial Artist have to be willing to invest the time it would take to train hard.
You have to be willing to train on weekends; you have to be willing to train at night. You have to be willing to take the time necessary steps to implement the proper diet in order to sufficiently fuel your body in order to allow a strict training regimen. You have to take the time to prepare meals that are high in protein and contain enough carbohydrates to maintain a calorie count sufficient to support you training.
If this sounds tough, it should. As Martial Artist we have to be willing to take the "tough" route and truly embrace the journey that you will travel along during your Martial Arts training regimen. This is the part of the process that will take the most time. This journey will actually encompass your life. Martial Arts training becomes part of your life. You do not become a Martial Artist, Martial Arts becomes you. This is the reward for the time you have sacrificed, for the time you have spent in the gym training, sparring, practicing your forms.
Training at the highest level requires many things. As a dedicated Martial Artist, we must strive to overcome as many of those obstacles as possible. Martial Arts in that respect imitates life. When you initially began any Martial Arts training program, it seems like an impossible feat. Every push-up feels like your last, every crunch feels like you can't go on. It is the next push-up, the next sit-ups that will separate you from everyone. It is that point where everyone else quits where you have the opportunity to excel. It is the point of no return!
Recommended Profile: order to train at a level necessary to be the best Martial Artist you can be, there is another facet of training that is extremely important. You must take the time to understand and embrace the emotional and spiritual aspects of Martial Arts training. One of the most important parts of Martial Arts training is comprehending the premise that the mind and the soul are immensely stronger than the body. As a Martial Artist, once we understand that fact, we can "win" any battle.
What Is the Best Martial Art for Kids and Adults?
Martial arts is a very helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle. The mental and physical training necessary to be successful in any martial art will give students helpful skills they can apply to a number of other facets of their lives. With so many martial arts schools in even the smallest cities it may be an overwhelming task for parents to evaluate them and figure out what is the best martial art for their kids.
Although there's no single martial art that is best suited specifically to all kids there are some which are more suitable than others. Some styles may focus more on the physical tournaments and preparing for them, while others may have an increased emphasis on character and self-esteem developing. Furthermore, two schools that provide the same style will teach that style distinctly, setting greater emphasis on different aspects of the style, for example, mastering the formal movement patterns vs a focus on the sparring aspects. In this short article we hope to help you with some information regarding the best martial art for kids.
Although there's no single martial art that is best suited specifically to all kids there are some which are more suitable than others. Some styles may focus more on the physical tournaments and preparing for them, while others may have an increased emphasis on character and self-esteem developing. Furthermore two schools that provide the same style will teach that style distinctly, setting greater emphasis on different aspects of the style, for example mastering the formal movement patterns vs a focus on the sparring aspects. In this short article we hope to help you with some information regarding the best martial art for kids.
Firstly you being a parent have to be sure you understand the reason you are searching for a martial art for your kids. There are a number of skills to be acquired through martial arts, such as self-defense, fitness improvements, teaching self-confidence, or training to compete in competitive events.
While most, if not all martial arts are in some ways acceptable for kids, the same can't be said for all schools or coaches.
That is why the initial step when choosing a martial art program for your kids should be to determine which of the martial arts styles offered in your area.
Most suited for your kids and then assess the schools within driving distance, the instructors in those schools, and the type of training they provide to both students and instructors.
Begin by exploring several of the schools found in your community to determine what their primary styles are. The World Wide Web is an excellent resource for this as you can get a quick summary of the tenets, history, and styles involved with each martial art such as Kajukenbo and Kosho-Ryu.
Consider not only your kids' goals, more self-confidence, or building physical strength, for instance, but also your child's skills when deciding which martial arts may be best suited for them. Judo and mixed martial arts both have some focus on grappling, which is locking or pinning opponents down.
So these may not be the best martial arts for kids, which are claustrophobic. On the other hand, these styles will probably be great at helping your child build their physical strength and stamina.
Once you've a list of styles that could be right for your kids, start calling the schools in your neighborhood that instruct those styles. The research should match up with the details that the school supplies. For example, Taekwondo has only two recognized branches, the Kukkiwon/World Taekwondo Federation branch and the International Taekwon-Do Federation branch. If a Taekwondo school can't verify that they are associated with one of these organizations then their training, and the belts they grant to students, may not be valid or authentic. Inquire if they have programs created specifically for children, or if the children are grouped into a general class.
If your kids are intimidated when in a group of older kids, teens or adults then perhaps a general class may not be best suited for them. Find out how many students and instructors are in each class, as a high student to teacher ratio will reduce the amount of time your kids will have with the instructor for one on one training.
Contact Details:
James Martial Arts Academy
2356 Fletcher Parkway
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: 833-894-0191
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