Martha Palm, MAEd.

 Educational Therapist - Tutor

I can help struggling students with required thinking and learning.  My specialty -- gifted and talented people who are spatially focused, or twice-exceptional, including people on the autism spectrum, and ADHD or attention issues, and a homework coach. I help with materials, time, and space management, but mainly how to be the boss of their brains. 

For adults, I help you manage some of the struggles that happen with a visual-spatial brain.

Listening to the students as they think helps me to understand how they are processing information.  From there I can design a plan to help them work through barriers. 

I have both a certification in gifted and twice-exceptional teaching with a master's in International Education. I have taught for 30 years, 15 of which were with gifted students.


I teach Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. My fee for new students starts at $125/hour; and $150/hour for adults. I ask that a parent or guardian come to the session for students. For middle and high school students, I mainly meet online so parent or guardian involvement during the session is limited.