
You feel better when you hike through them, you love to eat them, wear them, build with them, walk on them, feel their warmth when you burn them, send them to a friend, decorate with them, and breathe their biochemistry. But how well do you really know them?  My teaching mission is to increase your professional knowledge of plants, but also to accelerate your appreciation, joy, and daily awareness of them......in every step.....for your lifetime. 

Integrative Biology: Plants

BIOl 304/304L; BIOL 303 (without lab)

Prerequisite: BIOL 204/204L, 203/203L or their equivalent

Semester: Spring (M. Case teaching alternate years)

Offered: 2024

The evolution of photosynthesis in a bacterium rescued life on this planet which would otherwise have exhausted all available energy sources for growth and perished. The capability of photosynthesis spread quickly in the prokaryotes, and then was transferred to eukaryotes in an explosive adaptive radiation of marine kingdoms, often complex and bizarre. Plants are an outcome of this evolution and have continued to play a life-sustaining role by harnessing the sun’s energy, maintaining an oxygenic atmosphere, and providing primary production for all other life.  We will explore the evolution of plants, how they function, important ongoing scientific inquiries, and the roles they play in our lives and in the health of the planet from below the cell to the atmosphere.

Plant Diversity and Identification

BIOl 413/413L (504 series available for grads)

Prerequisite: BIOL 204/204L and curiosity or passion for plants

Semester: Fall

Offered: 2024 (tentative; check back)

Plant identification and other field botany skills are in demand in conservation jobs of any kind. This course is an intensive experience of skill-building, designed to give students the rigorous practice needed for competency in professional plant identification. Students will acquire essential background in plant morphological diversity, life-history variation, structural evolution, and field botanical research skills to facilitate competence for the conservation biology workplace, research, or personal enrichment. 

The integrated 2-credit lab and 1-credit lecture comprise a mix of contextual lectures interwoven with digital and hands-on sessions identifying unknown species of Virginia's Coastal Plain province.  Students will also construct keys, practice sight identification, and learn botanical language. The weekly outside laboratory homework around campus extends the experience by examination and photography of live material.  Group engagement and mutual discovery are encouraged.