News and media

Articles summarizing my research:

  • Blog post in Nada es gratis on my recent published paper with Pedro S. Martins entitled "How representative are social partners in Europe? The role of dissimilarity".

  • Blog post in Nada es gratis by my coauthor Jorge García-Hombrados on our joint paper "Specialized Courts and the Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Spain".

  • Blog post in Nada es gratis about the project "Global COVID-19 Student Survey".

  • Blog post in Nada es gratis about my research with Gabriel Doménech and Juan Mora-Sanguinetti on fee-shifting rules and plaintiffs' win rates.

  • Blog post in Nada es Gratis about my research with Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti on analyzing the effects of the judicial system on the economy and the Spanish reform to introduce judicial fees. Here is the article.

Media coverage:

  • On the research with Jorge García-Hombrados about intimate partner violence and judicial effectiveeness here, here, here and here.

  • Short interview in Cadena SER. On January 2020 I talked in the renowned programme Hora 25 (Cadena SER) with Pepa Bueno about one of my main topics of research: the impact of the judicial system on the economy. Here is the podcast of the episode (interview from minute 22'), and here the article about the interview (in Spanish).

  • Some Spanish newspapers reflect the results in one of my papers, together with Juan Francisco Jimeno and Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti, about EPL and firing costs after the Spanish labour market reforms of 2010 and 2012. Here, here and here.

  • Here is an article informing about the results of the research on the Spanish evolution of public employment after the crisis together with Javier J. Pérez published by the Banco de España - Eurosystem.


    • Research Projects in 2019 from Fundación Ramón Areces to young researchers, together with Jorge García-Hombrados (UAM), in which we analyze the effects of the Spanish Law of violence against women. Here is a short note on the projects awarded this year.

    • Excellence in teaching (First Year UG module), University College of London (UCL) - Department of Economics. Course: Economics with CORE, ECON0002.

Teaching projects:

    • Open Europe Project: VVAA. Open Europe. Recursos Educativos sobre la Unión Europea. Centro de Documentación Europea. Fundación General de la Universitat de València. Valencia. 2021. (, ISBN: 978-84-9133-481-1.

    • I have been PI of the teaching innovation project “Renovación y dinamización de los contenidos de economía a través del proyecto internacional CORE-Econ”, to implement CORE in all the courses of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Labour Economics at UAM.

    • I have collaborated in the teaching innovation projects "Una aplicación a práctica a la teoría: La economía del COVID-19", leadered by professor Ana Hidalgo (UAM) and in the project "Aula invertida y aplicación edpuzzle como metodología docente semipresencial en la asignatura de Organización Industrial", leadered by professor Maite Blázquez (UAM).