

University of Lund

Advanced Macroeconomics Analysis (Master in Economics) - a.y. 2021-2022 and 2023 

Dynamic programing - Fall 2023

Johns Hopkins University SAIS

Macroeconomics (Master of Arts) -  a.y. 2020/2021 ( Fall and Spring Semester - online),  a.y. 2019/2020 ( Summer - online),  a.y. 2019/2020 (Spring Semester), a.y. 2018/2019 (Fall Semester),  a.y. 2018/2019  (Summer)

Teaching assistant:

Stockholm School of Economics

Econometrics - MSc  a.y. 2013-2014 

Macroeconomics (Makroteori och ekonomisk-politisk analys) - BSc   a.y. 2013-2014  and a.y. 2015-2016