I am a researcher specialized in social demography/sociology of the family (PhD in Political and Social Sciences; Universitat Pompeu Fabra, M.Sc. in Political Sciences, Göteborgs universitet, Sweden). I currently work as Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology II (Social Structure) of Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Madrid, Spain), within the Applied Social Analysis (ASAP) Research Group.
I am also a PhD-member of the Carlos III-Juan March Institute, and part of the steering team of the Spanish Federation of Sociology's Population and Demography Committee.
My research lies at the intersection of sociodemography, sociology of the family, and social stratification, while applying a gender perspective. I am interested in social inequalities in contemporary family-related phenomena (fertility, the gender division of labor, union formation and dissolution; reproductive and perinatal health, work-family balance, child well-being) ; and the interrelations between family, socioeconomic, and health trajectories. I use mostly quantitative methods, but also have experience in qualitative research.
I have participated in numerous research projects related to the gender division of labor/work-family balance, family demography and social inequalities in health. I currently lead the research project "INTRAREPRO: Inequalities along the reproductive trajectory in Spain: effects of social vulnerabilities on fertility, pregnancy, perinatal and postnatal outcomes” , financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
I also lead the transfer of knowledge project "Desigualdades sociales en el acceso a apoyos terapéuticos y escolares para menores con discapacidad en España e impacto sobre el bienestar familiar [Social inequalities in access to therapy and school support for children with disabilities in Spain and impact on family well-being]", financed by FUNCAS.
Additionally, I participate in the interdisciplinary European COST ACTION CA22114 - Maternal Perinatal Stress and Adverse Outcomes in the Offspring: Maximising infants´development (TREASURE).
My work is socially oriented and driven by a firm belief in the role of scientific knowledge in improving society and well-being.
Marta Seiz
Dpto. Sociología II (Estructura Social)
c/Obispo Trejo 2,
28040 Madrid, Spain