Peer-reviewed Journals

  1. Lallo, C., Pasqualini, M., Tomassini, C. (Forthcoming) Trends in the use of home LTC services in large, medium and small municipalities in Italy. Lessons for the post-COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


  3. Pasqualini, M, Solè-Aurò, A., Arpino, B. (2022) The Partner in the Plate. The Association between Changes in Partnership Status and Protein Consumption Among Older People in Europe, Ageing & Society, 1-5

  4. Arpino, B., Meli, E., Pasqualini, M, Tomassini, C, Cisotto, E. (2022) Determinants of grandparents-grandchildren digital contacts in Italy, GENUS - Journal of population Science, 78, 20.

  5. Pasqualini, M., Dominguez Folgueras, M., Ferragina, E., Godechot, O., Recchi, E. Safi. M. (2022) Who took care of it Shift in couples’ share of unpaid work during the first year of the pandemic in France Demographic Research, 46, 34.

  6. Pasqualini, M & Bazzani, G (2021) Residence registration to cope with homelessness: Evidence from a mixed-method research in Milan, GENUS - Journal of population Sciences, 77, 37.

  7. Pasqualini, M, Di Gessa G., Tomassini C. (2021) A Change is (not) Gonna Come: A twenty-year overview of Italian grandparent-grandchild exchanges, GENUS - Journal of population Sciences 77, 33.

  8. Pasqualini, M., Sacker, A., McMunn, A., (2021) Birth order and First Sexual Experience: Do Siblings Influence Adolescents Sexual Debut? Archives of Sexual Behavior.

  9. Rossi, A., Pasqualini M., Tomassini C. (2021) Parliamo di sesso: relazione con i genitori e soddisfazione sessuale dei giovani italiani, Rivista di Sessuologia, "La sessualità nella tarda età", Vol.45 N.1. ISSN 0392-1670

  10. Arpino, B. & Pasqualini, M (2021) Pandemic’s effects on feelings of depression in Italy: The role of age, gender and individual experiences during the first lockdown , Front. in Psychology 12:660628. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.660628

  11. Arpino, B. Pasqualini, M. & V. Bordone. (2021) Physically distant but socially close? Changes in intergenerational non-physical contacts during the COVID-19 pandemic among older people in France, Italy and Spain European Journal of Ageing 18, 185–194.

  12. Arpino, B., Pasqualini, M., Bordone, V., & Solé-Auró, A. (2021) Older people’s non-physical contacts and depression during the COVID-19 lockdown The Gerontologist, 61(2), 176–186.

  13. Arpino, B., Bordone, V., Pasqualini, M. (2020) Reply to Dowd et al: Dangerous to overemphasize the importance of COVID-19 risk factors based on (unadjusted) macro-level analyses Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 202017464.

  14. Pasqualini, M., De Rose, A. (2020) Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Romantic Feelings: Does Having Older Siblings Make a Difference? GENUS - Journal of population Sciences 76, 24

  15. Lanari, D., Pasqualini, M., Pieroni, L. (2020) Is it Time to Quit? Smoking Persistence and Self-rated Health, Journal of Population Ageing 1-18

  16. Lanari, D., Mangiavacchi, L., Pasqualini, M., (2020) Adolescent Sexual Behaviour and Academic Performance of Italian Students, GENUS - Journal of population Sciences 76,21

  17. Arpino, B., Bordone, V., Pasqualini, M. (2020) No clear association emerges between intergenerational relationships and COVID-19 fatality rates from macro-level analyses, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117(32).

  18. De Socio, G., Pasqualini, M., et al. (2020 ). Smoking habits in HIV-infected people compared with the general population in Italy: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 20:734.

  19. Pasqualini, M., Pieroni, L., & Tomassini, C. (2019). How much and why does the mum matter? Mechanisms explaining the intergenerational transmission of smoking. Advances in Life Course Research, 40, 99-107.

  20. Pasqualini, M., Lanari, D., & Pieroni, L. (2018). Parents who exit and parents who enter. Family structure transitions, child psychological health, and early drinking. Social Science & Medicine, 214, 187-196.

  21. Pasqualini, M., Lanari, D., Minelli, L., Pieroni, L., & Salmasi, L. (2017). Health and income inequalities in Europe: What is the role of circumstances? Economics & Human Biology, 26, 164-173.

Book and co.

  1. Pasqualini, M. (2022) Subjective Wellbeing in Rural and Urban Areas under the Covid-19 Crisis in France, in Johansen, Tietjen, Iversen, Lauridsen Lolle & Fisker “Rural Quality of Life”, Manchester University Press.

  2. Schiavi di ieri, migranti di oggi , discriminazione e razzismo in Tunisia in "Appunti dalla Tunisia in transizione. In viaggio tra conquiste di genere, rivendicazioni delle minoranze e problemi socioeconomici", Edition Nuovaprhomos, Città di Castello, Agosto 2014, ISBN 978-88-68530-86-0


  1. Schradie, J., Ferragina, E., Pasqualini, M., Recchi, E., Safi, M., Sauger, N., … Zola, A. (2020). L'année de la Covid en France ou l'histoire d'un double confinement. Policy brief N.5.

  2. Tocchioni, V., Minello, A., Pasqualini, M (2020) (Ri)Abortire in Italia: il ricorso ripetuto all’ interruzione volontaria di gravidanza Neodemos & InGenere (short article in Italian)