Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief Efforts

Marsh Harbour, Abaco Islands, The Bahamas

September 2019

Where is Marsh Harbour?

Bahamas Area Map (Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands circled)

Abaco and Grand Bahama Islands (Marsh Harbour circled)

Marsh Harbour satellite view (Abaco Primary School circled)

Abaco Primary School grounds

Getting There...

Flight from Florida to Nassau

Loading our gear for transportation to Marsh Harbour

Our ride to Marsh Harbour... sort of

Too good to be true

Receiving aid donations

Rescue and evacuations underway

Chef José Andrés!

Getting on the helicopter

Finally ready to fly...

South (relatively undamaged) end of Abaco

North end of Abaco, approaching Marsh Harbour... See a difference?

Marsh Harbour Airport - still partially underwater three days later

Total Destruction

Twisted shipping container and pickup

Steel-framed building leveled at Marsh Harbour Airport

Damaged high school building

Snapped electric utility pole - a very common sight

A destroyed church... view of what was the sanctuary looking from the front stage

Damaged homes... typical of most building conditions after Dorian

Many trees snapped. All others stripped of their leaves and greenery.

Providing Drinking Water

Finding a source of water

Starting production

Where the magic happens

Supporting an overlooked community

Our home away from home

A sweet moment

Clean water!

On-site water supply

The water making process

Catching up at night

A peaceful sunset in Marsh Harbour

Ready for morning

Washington Post article containing interactive storm path and wind field information