
Welcome new team member!

Below you will find links to helpful resources to make your onboarding go more smoothly:

  • Links & Resources, a comprehensive list of the most commonly used or needed sites and resources for our lab

  • Onboarding schedule, a quick guide to the recommended activities associated with your first two weeks in the lab

Getting Oriented

Starting Training

  • You'll start with research ethics training. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for All, and RCR for Human Subjects. You'll take these through OHSU's training system.

  • You can also find these via CITI trainings, you may log in with OHSU credentials or use the Compass link within O2 (OHSU's internal website)

Planning Mentorship

  • We will create your training plan together.

  • Explore our work to see which projects, topics, or skills you want to learn more about.

"Comfort and growth rarely co-exist"

-Excerpted quote from Ginni Rommety, former CEO of IBM

Explore Mentorship