Get Law Services of Custom & Marriage Certificate in Pakistan With Guide (2021)

Customs and Marriage Certificate in Pakistan:

To obtain the services of marriage certificate in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate Pakistan please contact Jamila Law Associates. Some people say that they are helpless because the family Of the bride does not agree. Would they agree to dance and wear garments while obtaining marriage certificate in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate Pakistan? That the family of the bride would insist they wear and dance? Or, would they turn wild with anger prepared to quarrel over it and forgo the bride? In short, it is fard (obligatory) for the Muslims to detest that which Shari 'ah has declared as unlawful in the same way as they would detest anything that goes against their will, Just as they would not care if the marriage does not take place when they do not give in to the bride's family on personal choices, so too they should display the same spirit when provisions of Shari 'ah are contravened. Similarly, they should not participate in such weddings where the wrong things are done.

In Islamic Point of View:

(Bayhisti Zewar, v-6 P-325) WHAT IS A CUSTOM Custom is not merely what is practiced for marriage certificate in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate Pakistan? Rather custom is to make necessary everything that is unnecessary whether associated with occasions or everyday routine. (Kamala Ashrafiyah, P-345, Islah ul Muslimin, P-82)


When one has no intention to observe a neither custom, nor he follows the ways of those who stick to it, then it is not a custom. (Islah ul Muslimin, P-82)


Customs are of two kinds for marriage certificate in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate Pakistan. One of them is polytheistic. Its example is to make a daughter-in-law sit on a mat and place a child in her lap as an omen that she will give birth to children. Such portents are now on the wane. The other kind is connected to fame and renown. This kind has become more common. People are now more ostentatious than they were before, (Islah un Nisa, P-185)


I do say that in earlier days the customs were vulgar and those who perpetrated them knew them as such. Today, even the wise men do not agree that they are sinning. Their customs are arrogant practices, to outdo each other for obtaining marriage certificate in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate Pakistan. In the Olden Days, people made-do with ordinary garments and simple food. Today, even a poor man does not like to live a lowly life; he despises to work for himself and there are too much formality and pride in speech, everyday movement, and social contacts.

People are bound to some custom at every moment. There is sin in affection. Also, no one relies on the pretender. This is another difference - the efficient were true to their word, not so now! With an increase in learning and a rise in the number of religious scholars, polytheistic customs have dwindled. But pompous and high-sounding conduct has increased because of modern education. (Munazatul flaw, P-448). Our female lawyer In Lahore Pakistan is here for services of marriage certificate.