So I understand that it is normal to get the keychain password pop up after patching, but it keeps popping up even after deleting all adobe apps from keychain list. Also now I keep getting pop ups for other system apps asking for keychain password (after opening PS or AI). Does anyone else experience this and is there any solution ?

I download the version of Photoshop, but when I ask for the password to open the download to your computer does not accept me. I have not forgotten my password is correct. that I have this problem What should I do to open the download to my computer?

Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Portable Rar Password


I just purchased Adobe Photoshop Elements yesterday directly from Adobe and installed it. I'm running a Macbook Air (2018 model) with 16GB RAM and approx 200GB free SSD hard drive space. It's running Mac OSX 10.15.2. When I try to launch Photoshop Elements, I get a screen telling me Adobe Sign-in required. I'll enter my Adobe username and password, a green check will appear next to the password which I assumes is telling me my credentials have been verified and instead of launching, it just goes back to the sign-in required screen. I've tried everything I can think of including changing my Adobe password and verifying that it works in the Adobe website, creating a new Adobe account in the sign-in screen to launch Photoshop Elements, linking my account to my Google account and trying to sign in that way. Rebooting my computer, and un-installing PSE and re-installing it. I found this article for an older version of PSE ( -elements/kb/unable-to-sign-in-photoshop-elements-12-13.html) and tried all the steps, but none of those helped either.

I tried Adobe Support again this morning had a much better experience. The support rep (Brian) was great and was able to get the issue fully resolved for me. Not sure what caused the problem, but if anyone else experiences the same issue the work around was to re-download the trial version of Adobe PSE 2020 that allows you to activate with serial number instead of signing in ( -install/kb/photoshop-elements-downloads.html). Once it was downloaded and installed, ins

4. I entered the password for my Adobe account. What I couldn't get a screenshot of here was after entering the password and pressing the Continue button, a green check mark showed up next to the password which I would think means my credentials have been verified.

Between yesterday and today, I've tried every option there is available on those screens accept continuing with Facebook . I've tried creating a new account, I've tried linking my original account with Google, I've tried resetting my password, and I've tried Signing in as a different user. None of it makes a difference; I am stuck in this activation sign-in loop.

I tried Adobe Support again this morning had a much better experience. The support rep (Brian) was great and was able to get the issue fully resolved for me. Not sure what caused the problem, but if anyone else experiences the same issue the work around was to re-download the trial version of Adobe PSE 2020 that allows you to activate with serial number instead of signing in ( -install/kb/photoshop-elements-downloads.html). Once it was downloaded and installed, instead of signing in, select the option for activate with serial number. That worked, and Adobe PSE 2020 is running like a champ.

I constantly get asked for the password to my 'keychain account" I do not know what this even means, still less what a password might be. None of the other passwords I use on the computer are accepted.

I am not sure for sure, but this seems to have solved my problem. I was on the phone calling to see what was going on, and it seems to not be giving me this nag screen from the keychain anymore. However, at first it said that I could not do that operation after trying to reset it and putting the password in. But then one or two minutes later it had a dialogue box from Keychain asking if I was sure I wanted to reset the keychain, and I said yes, and my Adobe products seem to be working now without the Node, Keychain and other dialog box popping up, hopefully it sticks!

This does not work for me at all. Under "Preferences" in Keychain Access my only option is to delete all of my passwords and start again. I can't do this because I use strong passwords and rely on Keychain to remember them and keep me safe.

meenakshin83966505, is there a way to do this without resetting our Keychain? I've moved over to 1Password but unfortunately Keychain doesn't give us the ability to export, so I'm still using that for some passwords of things I haven't used for a while.

Concur. Followed the instructions with some trepidation and lost half a day to resetting all of the passwords. Makes no sense that in order to get Adobe to stop popping up I would have to eliminate every other save password and start over. Essentially this is back to Windows 98 where the default response to any bug was to erase the hard drive and reinstall the OS.

Hi there, I have a similar problem with Adobe Digital Editions. Ive just installed it and it keeps asking me for Keychain password. Ive gone into preferences and the only option is to erase all keychain passwords, which Im nervous about doing.

Hey @MeenakshiNegi is that workaround some kind of prank? People are supposed to be able to trust your answer as an Adobe Employee. I followed your instructions and this has logged me out of everything and erased all my saved passwords. I used Keychain for everything! This is going to be a headache. You should add a disclaimer to your answer that lets people know that before committing to erasing all their passwords.

This remains an ongoing issue. I work for a large enterprise organization and almost everyone of our designers have experienced this problem. Erasing all our passwords from our system is not a solution. Would someone please escalate this issue? Otherwise I'm likely to just cancel my CC service and remove it from my machine, as some of my colleagues have already done.

I just started getting these messages yesterday. I input my mac password and it took them and cycled through about 6-7 Adobe apps with the same keychain issue. It ended on Acrobat and that one failed - it quit out and sent this message.

Why do I have to log in with passwords and be on-line everytime I open Photoshop. I am sometimes working in way out places where there is no internet and recently you have required me to log in or I can't open Photoshop. Surely you know my computer by now and anyway you take off my money automatically every month so please make this easy and get your IT guys to apply their minds. We don't all live in 5G First World countries!!!! This is an unacceptable process. Cheers, Henri

Within a couple of weeks, however, Adobe was forced to acknowledge that a more accurate figure for the number of people who were impacted by the hack was some 38 million active users after a 3.8GB file containing more than 150 million usernames/passwords was dumped on the net.

The password hints were the most telling. An overwhelming number of people took the concept of a password hint too literally, and flat-out provided the password itself as the hint. By analysing thousands of password hints per ciphertext, and matching that information with what we know about the ciphertext thanks to ECB mode, we are able to determine a number of passwords with a reasonable degree of certainty. It took about three hours to determine what the top 100 passwords were with this method.

If we can recover the encryption key and decrypt the passwords, it will be huge for password crackers. RockYou was the first real glimpse we got at how users select passwords on a massive scale. This leak is nearly 5x the size of RockYou, and will give us amazing statistics for probabilistic password cracking.

If you do make the mistake of reusing passwords, you are running the risk of having your password compromised in one place (perhaps via a phishing attack, spyware keyloggers or a data breach) and then hackers using it to unlock your other online accounts.

It's even worse than that. Because the passwords are encrypted with a 64-bit block cipher such that each block stands alone, you get the same ciphertext if you share *part* of your password with someone else.

And since e2a311ba09ab4707 in any encrypted block means "eight zeros", when you see that string, you know that the password is exactly as long as fits in the previous blocks, i.e. you have the password length.

In the last part, where you ask companies to take better

care when storing passwords, I think it would have been wise to

mention that the best option is not to store passwords at all, but

use other sites for that. You do just that for this comment by

using Google for authentication, and it seems to work fine


Using Google for authentication to all your accounts,

introduces a single point of failure. If an attacker gets your

password (key-logging, MITM, MITB..etc) all of your accounts become

vulnerable. There are several user-transparent & economical

multi-factor authentication solutions available in the market, on

line service providers should consider alternatives to password

based authentication

You have to have passwords because how else can you pretend an account is actually used by someone who has money to shop online? This comment has to have a name and email otherwise I may just be an alien robot from the future. The whole world is online trying to get easy money as the country crumbles around us. To hell with nature, clean water, and clean air. I just wish everyone was brainwashed and dumb and played on their phones all day.

Once you get the error User locked out. Too many invalid login attempts or you are not able to login with your valid password after some invalid attempts, you can either wait one hour for your account to be available again, or try out the steps below to reset your password:

I downloaded Photoshop Elements 11 from a link provided by Adobe support. When I go to install the application, a window pops up that says "Setup wants to make changes. Enter an administrator's name and password to allow this." be457b7860

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