Then, to give you a quick first answer, as you may have understood, the fisrt password is asked by Grub, because it has to read parts of your system to start it to boot and second time the operating system asks for it to be able to mount and use the root file system. Thus, yes, that is normal.

During the custom Linux build agent deployment for Visual Studio Team Services (Ubuntu Server 18.04-LTS) I noticed that there is an issue with something I did not noticed previously on Ubuntu Server and I'm not noticing on my Mac OS X. When I'm trying to run Python (3.6) script, which is using Azure SDK, I'm receiving interactive prompt "Please enter password for encrypted keyring". It's not a problem to create keyring and provide a password when running script interactively but when we are talking about automation or in a context of VSTS it is not acceptable to have any interactive steps in the process. I have started some investigation on that.

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Of course we can try to not install python3-keyring or remove it. But it can be needed or even required by other packages or modules. If we do not need encryption, we can use the PlaintextKeyring backend which does not need any password. We have at least two options to do it and get back to the state where keyring is not used.

If you would like to obfuscate the contents of the archive, compress the directory into an archive, and then compress that archive with a password. Thus, you will have to extract the archive with a password, to pull out the archived (and obfuscated) contents.

use password to decrypt encrypted zipfile entries (if any). THIS IS INSECURE! Many multi-user operating systems provide ways for anyuser to see the current command line of any other user; even onstand-alone systems there is always the threat of over-the-shoulderpeeking. Storing the plaintext password as part of a command line inan automated script is even worse. Whenever possible, use thenon-echoing, interactive prompt to enter passwords. (And wheresecurity is truly important, use strong encryption such as Pretty GoodPrivacy instead of the relatively weak encryption provided by standardzipfile utilities.)

If the password you received contains special characters such as $ ; \ etc, your shell terminal might interpret it as part of the shell special symbol and not exactly the password string that you intended it to be.

Just for fun, I also ran a serial unzip command, time unzip -o -P my_password '*.zip' (note that -o is dangerous and means "overwrite" existing files), as a speed comparison. It took 8.196 sec on my 93 files, also much slower than the multi-process unar command above which took 1.084 seconds, and even worse, it created a massive, unusable mess of extracted files piled up on top of each other everywhere in the same directory.

Your best bet would be to stop the sync, erase the files on all but one machine. See if you remember the old password on the machine you originally set the password on - if you type it and you get a green check mark - and them restart the sync. Wait for the number of encrypted sync files to be the same on the synced machine as on the original machine and them introduce the password.

@grag the master password should be something that is unique that you will remember. If you need to store it in a password manager or however you store it in case you need to remember it later then you will want to do that. That password must be entered on any device that you plan to use Joplin with. For instance, you will need to enter it on your desktop and you will need to enter it on your phone.

Joplin uses E2E encryption. This means that the files will be decrypted on your computer/phone but encrypted before being synced to Dropbox and stay encrypted. The files are only decrypted once they are downloaded to your phone/computer, as long as the master password is correct.

Can for example binary examination of the archive, given that the rar or zip file format structure is public, reveal the password's encrypted form? For example look for the header that contains the actual password and extract the encrypted string?

Perhaps you're confused about how the archive is getting locked and unlocked. It sounds like you're under the impression that the password gets stored inside the archive, and then the archive utility compares the password entered by the user to the password stored in the archive. However, this is not how encryption works. If the password were stored in the archive such that the utility could read it, then anyone with a simple file editor could read it. Not only that, if the protection scheme were setup to simply force the utility to check against the stored password in this manner, but not obfuscate the data, anyone could simply read the contents of the file without even looking at the password. If the payload were encrypted and the password were stored somewhere in the unencrypted section of the archive, anybody could read the password and quickly decrypt the payload, thus defeating the encryption.

Instead, what encryption does is use a key and an algorithm to manipulate some data to obfuscate what it means. Once it has gone through this encryption process, the only way to make sense of the data is to process it through the corresponding decryption algorithm. The only way to successfully do this is by using the correct key and algorithm. Since the algorithm is always known, only the key is unique. The way you know that you used the correct key is the fact that the data you get out of the decryption process has a valid format and isn't just random garbage data. The only information an encrypted archive will give you is the encrypted payload and the algorithm used to encrypt it. It is up to you to supply the correct key.

I don't know where you got this information (claims without source are always bad) but I'm sure you got it wrong. This would not make any sense and the question would also be which key would then be used to encrypt the password.

With ZIP you can look into section 7.2 of the specification and you will see that the password will not be stored in any way. Only various more or less random data are stored which are used together with a key derived from the password entered by the user. These random data are used to make sure that ZIP files with the same content and same password don't result in the same encrypted data.

In the RAR specification you will find optional check value for the password. This is not the encrypted password but a hash value (i.e. irreversible) derived with PBKDF2 (computationally intensive hash) from the password.

Which means the most you have is a hashed version of the password, and hashed with a really slow hash. While this can be used to detect a wrong password fast enough for a single attempt, it does not help much with brute forcing the password. Brute forcing would probably be more effective by trying to use the password and checking if the decrypted data make some sense. This can be often done faster because most file formats contain typical magical strings at the beginning or have some typical file structure. Thus if you got something which does not look random you have probably broken the password.

I'm not 100% sure on the following, so anyone correct me if i'm wrong.From what i understand when you encrypt a compressed archive or zip file, 7zip or winrar, the encrypted files doesn't let you read a key if there is one, as it is, encrypted. That would be the same as trying to decrypt an encryption without the key, so i'm pretty sure you can't get the key from the zipped file.

Also i'm not sure if it even stores the key. RSA encryption is one of the strongest encryptions(if you go for 2048 + bit encryptions), and some zip archives use the same AES encryption. The key isn't stored in the encryption, but the algorithm used to decrypt the file. The key is provided by the one who password protected/encrypted the file in the first place, and if the decryption key matches the encryption key, the algorithm will unravel the decryption, thus making it readable.

Edit: As for just extracting the string with the encrypted decryption key, no. That wouldn't work as the key would be encrypted and useless, and you'd have to decrypt it to be able to read what the decryption key actually is, thus you're back at square 1.

An app password is a 16-digit passcode that gives a less secure app or device permission to access your Google Account. App passwords can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on.

For one user on the login page he enters his password and then it freezes. If you enter the username or password incorrectly it prompts saying incorrect and lets me try again. Longest we waited once it froze was 20 minutes and each time we have to do a hard shut down.

I recognize that Power BI Desktop does not currently allow password-protected excel files to be imported as datasets. As I am working with confidential info, I need the excel file to remain protected/encrypted in some way. I've tried out using 3rd party services like AxCrypt to protect my excel file instead, but I run into the same issue. Does anyone have suggestions or work-arounds that would let me password-protect my excel file but also allow Power BI Desktop to use it as a dataset?

Hi. Right now I am using a password protected excel file from sharepoint as a data for the report. In the file there are some hidden and confidential information which is protected with password. But when I put it into Power BI as a data source, all hidden and protected information could be visibly seen. I found it strange that Power BI doesn't require to enter any password to unprotect the hidden data.

The first time that you log in to your switch through the console, you have to use the default username and password, which is cisco. You are then prompted to enter and configure a new password for the Cisco account. Password complexity is enabled by default. If the password that you choose is not complex enough, you are prompted to create another password. 589ccfa754

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