Markus Tepe

Political System | SOCIUM | University of Bremen


I am a Professor of Political Science / Political System of Germany at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen. I hold a Dr. rer. pol. from the Freie Universität Berlin, and a MA in Political Science, Public Law, and Economic Policy from the University of Münster

I spent more prolonged research stays at Yale University in the Leitner Program and the European Center at Stanford University. My research focuses on political decision-making in comparative public policies, behavioral public administration, political sociology, and research methods (see ORCID, Scopus, Google Scholar, Research Gate, SSRN).

Since the beginning of my academic career, I have volunteered for the German Political Science Association (GPSA). I served as a spokesperson of the GPSA Working Group on Analytical Political Theory (2016-2022) and currently serve as Vice-Chair of the GPSA.

Foto: Klose / Universität Bremen


IPSA Workshop SOG: Looking forward to presenting a new paper at the IPSA Research Committee 27 meeting on "What does Democratic Resilience mean for Public Sector Organizations?" October 17-18, 2024 (German Police University, Münster).

29. DVPW Congress: Looking forward to presenting a new set of co-authored papers at the 29. DVPW Congress in Göttingen, Germany, September 24-27, 2024.

EPSA Conference 2024: Looking forward to presenting a new set of co-authored papers and serving as a discussant at this year's EPSA annual conference, to be held in Cologne, Germany, July 04-06, 2024.

DIFIS-Impuls: New policy briefing on "How does the reimbursement mode affect citizens' political acceptance of CO2 pricing?" Joint work with Sebastian Fehrler, Olexandr Nikolaychuk, and Sebastian Hemesath is now online with the German Institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS)..

APSA Virtual Research Meeting 2024: Looking forward to presenting a recent study with Achim Goerres (University of Duisburg-Essen) and Jakob Kemper (University of Duisburg-Essen) on solidariy behavior in the Panel "The Politics of Aging" chaired by Luca Bellodi (Bocconi University).

Recent publications / forthcoming / accepted

"Multidimensional preference for technology risk regulation. The role of political beliefs, technology attitudes, and national innovation cultures" with Sebastian Hemesath, Regulation & Governance (online first).

"Prioritizing Exceptional Social Needs. Experimental Evidence on the Role of Discrimination and Client Deservingness in Public Employees’ and Citizens’ Discretionary Behavior" with Brian Dietrich, Michael Jankowski and Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Public Policy and Administration (online first).

"Voting Against Parties: Populist Attitudes, Party Supply, and Support for Non-Partisan Actors" with Michael Jankowski and Christina-Marie Juen, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (online first).

"Electoral System Preferences of Citizens Compared: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom" with Eric Linhart and Michael Jankowski, European Political Science Review (online first).

"Did that AI just Charge me a Fine? Citizens’ Perceptions of AI-based Discretion in Public Administration" with Saja Aljuneidi, Wilko Heuten and Susanne Boll, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT '23) 57–67.  

"Framing the approval to test self-driving cars on public roads. The effect of safety and competitiveness on citizens’ agreement", with Sebastian Hemesath, Technology in Society  72: 102177.

"Vaccine Alliance Building Blocks: A Conjoint Experiment on Popular Support for International COVID-19 Cooperation Formats" with Pieter Vanhuysse and Michael Jankowski, Policy Sciences 54(3): 493-506.

"Experimentelle Methoden" with Michael Jankowski, in G. Wenzelburger and R. Zohlnhöfer (Eds.) Handbuch für Policy-Forschung (2nd Edition), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1-28.