Product Re-positioning Campaign

Campaign Objective

Re-position a product to address new market needs and competitive landscape changes.

Challenge: Customer service is the final battleground for success when your offerings have already been commoditized and costs are already nearly optimized. Our company offered a product that allowed our client companies to effectively deliver improved customer service. However, in the commercial space, our product was considered as "nice" but not revolutionary. We needed to rebrand the product so that it was perceived as meeting aggressive customer service challenges without forcing a forklift technology upgrade to the rest of their infrastructure.

The company: MicroAutomation has been in the intuitive voice response market for 26 years, primarily in the commercial sector with limited partnership licencing of their technology to the public safety market.


After carefully studying the market and interviewing the existing clients of the product, it was clear that the product was still largely relevant but the brand positioning strategy needed to be revamped — the product road map had accounted for some of the challenges trending in customer service but the go-to market strategy had not kept up.

To correct for this problem, I developed a re-branding and re-positioning campaign that accounted for both existing and future clients. This included a complete brand overhaul, ranging from product name (renaming it from MicroMessenger to OmniEngage) to developing a vertical specific messaging program (that better communicated the products value proposition for specific challenges and vertical-unique use cases).

The engagement overhaul included a new demand management mechanisms for engaging on partner channels and direct sales. All of this was powered by a new emphasis on content and value, which I produced with buy-in from product management and the executive stakeholders.

Specific channels used:

  • Google & Bing paid search
  • Google remarketing & retargeting
  • Email marketing automation
  • Partner and VAR channels
  • Industry analyst briefings
  • Paid media placements
  • Search engine optimization

Key Deliverables:

Product Overview Video

This was the main workshorse content piece that showcased our product and its value proposition.

It was designed to educate the market on the pain points, how to alleviate it, and be the main story teller of what the possibilities could be if implemented at their businesses.

My role apart from the strategy research, product position messaging, also went down to the tactical levels, like developing the scripts and animation storyboards.

The video was extremely well received and became our standard content for partners and market to understand the product.

Product Storytelling Video

As part of the adoption program in the relaunch, this was one of multiple use case videos to help existing and new prospects visualize how the product could improve their customer experience.

I developed this video from soup to nuts; beginning from the animation storyboard, graphics all the way to integrating in our nurture campaigns and other programs. This was used extensively at trades hows as well.

The video was very successful in broadcasting and story telling our product to multiple audiences and prospects in critical stages of the sales funnel.