Marketing Consultant

The Local Pack is the very top three local results in a Google search term. It occurs on desktop mobile and in maps though in maps people are shown a lot more than three results. The above-mentioned top three places are actually exceptionally desired. Many people never choose "more places" or scroll very far on mobile and so the higher your service listing can appear the better.

How does Google select exactly who shows up in the number one Local Pack? While a lot of Googles algorithm is a mystery SEO professionals pretty much all agree that it comes down to the major four:

• Google My Business Listing

• Customer reviews

• Links

• Citations

Over the past period GMB has come to be a bigger search engine ranking factor with regard to Local area Companies especially for the Local Pack.

GMB indicators like proximity categories keyword phrases inside company headlines etc. are presently making up as much as a quarter of the ranking cues for the Google 3-Pack. Which in turn shows that while other factors such as back links and website structure are certainly still significant a businesses GMB listing is almost as important if not MORE important than all other positioning elements.

Present research has certainly shown that companies listed on the first web page of Google receive almost 95% of all web visitor traffic ...

... and that a thumping 67% of that target traffic heads to the top 5 postings on this particular page.

That implies if your company isn't shown in those search results you are virtually invisible to web-based buyers seeking to buy your products or services.

Click Here to learn how Petes Digital Media are able to assist with your Local Business Listing and secure you a lot more clients.

Petes Digital Media

1-4 Deakin Pl

Durack NT 0830

0402 807498