If you right click it, and click Show Package Contents you'll get a few files in a Contents folder. (Note: if you do not see Show Package Contents you will need to open Terminal.app and run pkgutil --expand mystubbornpackage.pkg path/to/expand)

Not only will it provide all the information you need in the app it also install a Quick Look plug in so just selecting the package file and hitting the space bar opens up a window with the most essential information.

Mac Os Sierra Could Not Open Package For Expansion

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President Biden also announced new PGII projects that reflect how the USG is working with partners to better mobilize capital for infrastructure in emerging markets.

Investments in Key Economic Corridors: Creating and strengthening economic corridors that connect economies through key transportation infrastructure; making clean electricity more affordable, reliable and available to all; bringing information and communications technology (ICT) network solutions to rural communities; integrating agricultural hubs to increase regional food security, improve access to health care; and aggregating demand for clean energy solutions to fuel these corridors and service local communities. 

As an example, the United States is supporting the development of the Lobito Corridor with an initial investment in a rail expansion that may become the primary open access transportation infrastructure connecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia with global markets through Angola. PGII is actively pursuing additional opportunities to connect the initial Lobito Corridor investments across the continent, to Tanzania and, ultimately, the Indian Ocean.

Initial investments include:

In the Summer of 1981, MGM opened an expansion of the hotel with a 26-story wing plus an additional 900 rooms, making a total of 2,001 rooms and suites. Three years later in November 1984 MGM revealed plans to expand the Reno hotel further: a $60 million 26 story wing with another 954 rooms, which never materialized. After fights and issues with the City Council, the expansion was later approved on September 23, 1985, amid rumors the MGM would be sold. Less than five months later on November 16, 1985, those rumors proved to be true with Bally Manufacturing announcing that it would acquire the Reno and Las Vegas MGM's for $440 million, further questioning the newly approved expansion for Reno.

On September 27, 2023, the resort announced a 10-year, $1 billion-plus expansion project. Among the most notable features are a new 800-room hotel tower, 300 residential units intended for workforce housing, and a 10,000-seat arena that would become the new home of the University of Nevada men's basketball team.[a] The arena is planned to open in 2026.[7]


In the Gut & Amend Bill process, it was changed VERY LATE in the session. Gut & Amend Bills submitted LATE in the calendar year are nothing more than "place-holder bills" and historically are killed in committee, as part of history & Honor. Most "professional" politicians know this, as ONE committee member stated in a hearing. They know history, and hate these kinds of bill submitted late on purpose... In this case, it was voted along party lines in committee. In ONE such committee, the Chairwoman was very rude, and allowed the SUPPORTERS of the bill time to talk, while the OPPOSITION folks were shut down to Support/Oppose single word comment. What does that say? Local folks favoritism was clear as a Senate/Assembly DISTRICT bill versus a STATE PARK issue with EMPHASIS on STATE. Hence, voting on a bill that affects ALL of the people in California, and NOT just the few pushing a bill to open a door that could cause harm to ALL Department of State Parks facilities. This is just wrong. If I was an Alameda County Resident, I would submit a Public Records Act to the Board of Supervisors and DEMAND a fiscal audit and statement for all costs concerned in the filing of a lawsuit AGAINST State Parks of which Alameda County did. The TAXPAYERS of Alameda County need to see where THEIR tax dollars are going to fund this frivolous lawsuit........... Perhaps Town Square could make the PRA and investigation and then report their findings? If I am correct, AC has been involved about 3 years now.... 

Again, Thank You to the Governor and his comments back to the author of the bill.

Just Say'in..... Dave

If you open a Visio 2013 file using a ZIP utility, you can probably see several folders contained inside of the ZIP package. You can even manipulate these sub-addresses like folders using a ZIP utility. However, these "folders" represent sub-addresses within the ZIP package, not actual folders. You cannot use the programmatic equivalents of folders to work with these sub-addresses in your solution.

The largest difference between the XML Drawing Format and the Visio 2013 file format is the packaging. An XML Drawing Format file could be manipulated like a normal stand-alone XML; the Visio 2013 file format must be manipulated as a package. In the Visio 2013, the XML has been divided up into parts for easier consumption. Another noticeable change is that the Visio 2013 file format stores all document properties in document parts described by the OPC standard (app.xml, core.xml, custom.xml).

The most basic and fundamental task for any developer working with the Visio 2013 file format is opening the file as a package and then accessing individual parts within the package. The System.IO.Packaging.Package in the WindowsBase.dll contains many classes that enable you to open and manipulate packages and parts.

Having presented its own blueprint for lakeshore expansion in 1971,the Save the Dunes Council entered a new stage in its history. From itsinception in 1952, the Council was exclusively a voluntary organization.In 1973, however, the Council hired its first full—time employee,Edward Osann, Jr., to lobby for a favorable expansion bill inWashington, D.C. The Council used proceeds from its sale of Cowles Bogas well as income from a sales item shop it opened in the Beverly Shorespost office to pay Osann's salary. In the fall of 1974, a secondemployee, Executive Secretary Charlotte Read, came on board. The wife ofthe Council's Engineering Committee Chairman Herbert Read, CharlotteRead exhibited an equal zeal in fighting for dunes preservation. Alongwith Executive Director Sylvia Troy, Charlotte Read soon establishedherself as a dominant figure in the Council and its effort to expand thenational lakeshore. [60]

Park Service and Interior's position on Indiana Dunes had no effecton what Congress did. Really it didn't. Never did. It would passCongress if the votes were there. Political, entirely. The fact that thebill didn't pass in the early 1970s didn't mean anything other than thefact that they didn't have enough political support to pass it. Theyreally were asking for too much. In the early 1970s, Save the DunesCouncil had sold Senator Bayh and Congressman Roush on this big,elaborate thing where they were going to take in all of the Salt Riverarea, south of Indiana Dunes, south of the existing park, [and] all ofthe Bethlehem Steel lands for expansion. They were going to take in MudLake, all these fringe areas and include Beverly Shores Island. Therewas no way that bill would have ever passed. Too expensive andtoo much land. With opposition of the park still right there in front ofus, it couldn't have happened at all. [65]

In a last—ditch effort to break the stalemate, Senators Bayh,Hartke, Percy, and Stevenson introduced an amended bill calling for3,663 acres which rapidly found its way to the Senate floor forconsideration on September 24, 1976. Senator Charles Percy took thefloor to announce the sad news of Paul Douglas' death. Like a whirlwind,expansion of Douglas' beloved Indiana Dunes transformed into a memorialto the deceased senator. With his death, Douglas gave life to anexpanded national lakeshore. Receiving a unanimous Senate vote, themeasure sailed through the conference committee and on to Gerald Ford'sdesk where it faced a certain pocket veto. During the final weekend inwhich the bill could be approved, Superintendent Whitehouse* maintaineda tense, hourly telephone contact with Donna McGrath, the administrativeassistant of Senator Charles Percy. Percy flew back to the capital afterthe session to solicit President Ford's approval. Confronted with thebill's association with Paul Douglas and its strong bipartisan support,the President signed it into law on October 18, 1976. [78]

By Tommy Trenchard FREETOWN (Reuters) - Police in Sierra Leone opened fire on Tuesday on an armed protest against the expansion of palm oil plantations operated by the international agro-investor Socfin Group, a police chief said. The Luxembourg-registered company, part of the business empire of the French tycoon Vincent Bollore, has been embroiled since 2011 in a bitter feud between agricultural groups and local landowners in the Malen chiefdom. Police Inspector General Francis Munu said a crowd armed with shotguns and machetes had tried to burn down a police station in the southern Pujehun province on Monday, prompting a police response. "We tried to use tear gas but then we had to use bullets to repel them," he said. "They came out of the bush after a ... meeting, kidnapping people, taking people's properties. They were opposed to (Socfin) extending (its operations)." Munu said the bullets were fired as warning shots. But the head of an association of landowners affected by the Socfin deal said dozens had been injured and that one man had been shot in the neck. "They opened fire on us just for fighting for our rights to the land," said Sima Mattia. Residents say the $5 per acre they receive for their land per year is not sufficient and argue they did not understand the lease agreement, or were coerced into signing. Socfin's director, Gerben Haringsma, said on Tuesday the company had consulted every landowner and had the full support of the community. Socfin says it has provided extensive infrastructure projects and social services, as well as jobs. Sierra Leone was devastated by civil war between 1991 and 2002. Since then, has succeeded in luring foreign investors in agriculture as well as resources such as iron ore and bauxite. Palm oil is the world's most important vegetable oil and is used to make margarine and soap. The government has signed several large-scale land deals in recent years, including a $1.3 billion deal with China Hainan Rubber Industry Group earlier this year. Addax Bioenergy, a Swiss biofuel company that has leased 14,300 hectares in Tonkolili district for the production of sugar cane, has faced similar criticisms, most recently in a report by the NGO Action Aid. Addax Bioenergy said in a statement that it "refutes categorically the accusations made by ActionAid", adding that it had injected over $50 million into Sierra Leone's economy. be457b7860

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