
Published work

Sibling Spillovers and the Choice to get Vaccinated: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design together with Maria Knoth Humlum and Peter Rønø Thingholm, Journal of Health Economics, 2024, (WP: IZA DP No. 15109)

Working papers

Price Sensitivity and Heterogeneity in Vaccine Take-up: Evidence from an HPV Vaccine Program, Preliminary draft 2023

The Effects of Layoffs on Opioid Use and Abuse together with David J. Price and Peter Rønø Thingholm

Work in progress 

Grade Requirements in Vocational Education: Human capital and Labor Market Trajectories of Marginal Students

The Effect of In-utero and Early-life Exposure to Pollution on Infant Health and Human Capital together with Christina Munkholm Andersen