
International conferences and workshops (contributed presentations)

2023 “Which role for scientific evidence in public health trials ? The example of the Mediator”, with Isabelle Drouet, worlshop “Regards croisés sur les preuves en santé publique et en sciences sociales”, University Lyon 3, 16 oct.

“Penalising opacity about pharmaceutical risks. The example of the Mediator drug trial”, avec Isabelle Drouet, symposium “Transparency in pharmaceutical research: how much should and can the public demand?” (co-organised by I. Drouet and M. Vorms), European Philosophy of Science Association meeting, Belgrade, Serbia 21 Sept.

2022 “Pertinence et crédibilité des avis d’experts pour l’aide à la décision”, Epancopi congress, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 16-17 Feb.

2021 “Une raison bien gardée”, workshop (Igitur) around Pascal Engel’s Manuel rationaliste de survie, online, 9 Dec.

“Crédulité, confiance et plausibilité. Une étude expérimentale”, Institut universitaire de France congress on ‘Post-truth?’, Bordeaux, France, 5-6 Oct.

“Relevance and credibility of experts’ statements in complex decision-making advice”, Symposium on “Scientific Experts and the Pressure of Pandemic Policy Advice”, European Philosophy of Science Association, Turin, Italy / online, 15-18 Sept.

“Reasonableness of doubt and trust in the context of Covid-19 crisis”, Symposium on “Scientific Experts and the Pressure of Pandemic Policy Advice”, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, online event, 7-9 July.

“Is one story better than two? Testing the effect of disjunction on jurors’ decision-making” (with Katya Tentori, Saoirse Connor Desai, and David Lagnado), International Conference on Thinking, online event, 23 June.

2019 Sommes-nous trop crédules ?” (“Are we too credulous?”), 7th Social Sciences Workshop, Sciences Po, Paris, France, 22 Nov.

“The story-model of jurors’ decision-making in the light of an analysis of evidential reasoning — conceptual and empirical questions”, special workshop on ‘Judicial Decision-Making: Integrating Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives’, IVR World Congress, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, 7-13 July.

“In the space of reasonable doubt” (with Ulrike Hahn), 3rd European Conference on Argumentation — ECA 2019, Groningen, The Netherlands, 24-27 June (long paper presentation by Ulrike Hahn).

“Expert advice for decision-making: the moving boundary between informing and instructing, workshop on Intellectual Autonomy, Epistemic Authority, and Epistemic Paternalism, Madrid, Spain, February 5-6.

“The role of plausibility in acceptance of novel propositions: a challenge to Gilbert’s ‘Spinozan’ theory of belief formation”, poster presentation (joint work with Ulrike Hahn and Adam Harris), International Convention of Psychological Sciences (ICPS), Paris, 7-9 March.

2018 “Coherence and credibility in the story-model of jurors’s decision-making: Does mental simulation really drive the evaluation of evidence?”, Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology, Sevilla, 24-26 October.

“Justice prédictive et raisonnement des juges” (with Isabelle Drouet & Anouk Barberousse), Société de Philosophie des Sciences congress, Nantes, 4-6 July.

2017 “The dilution effect: Conversational basis and witness reliability”, poster presentation (joint work with Jens Koed Madsen and Ulrike Hahn, presentation made by J. Koed Madsen, as I was in maternity leave), Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, 26-29 July.

“The story-model of jurors’ decision-making: A theory of evidential reasoning?”, Evidence & Decision Making in the Law: Theoretical, Computational and Empirical Approaches workshop, International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL), London, 16th June.

2016 “An overview of the different disciplinary approaches to conspiracy theories”, ‘Science and Conspiracy’ conference, University of Padua, Italy, Nov. 28-30.

“The story-model of jurors’ reasoning and forensic evidence”, joint conference of the European Association for Science and Technology Studies (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), symposium on ‘Weakening and strengthening forensic science in Europe’ (convenor: David Teira), Barcelona, Spain, 31 Aug.-3 Sept.

“The credibility of scientific evidence”, with Anouk Barberousse and Isabelle Drouet, joint conference of the European Association for Science and Technology Studies (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), symposium on ‘Weakening and strengthening forensic science in Europe’ (convenor: David Teira), Barcelona, Spain, 31 Aug.-3 Sept.

2015 “Theories and their versions”, 2nd Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Group in India, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, 19-21 Dec.

“Reasons to Doubt Testimony: What are the Components of Testimonial Credibility?”, with Anouk Barberousse, Workshop ‘Pragmatics and Testimony’, University of Trieste, Italy, 5-6 Nov.

2014 “Spatial representations in science: Towards a typology”, Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) conference, Chicago, USA 6-9 Nov.

2013 “The role of models in mind and science » (with David Lagnado), European Philosophy of Science Association conference, Helsinki, Finland, 28-31 Aug.

“Theorizing and representational practices in genetics”, congress of the International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Montpellier, France, 7-12 July.

“Two types of spatial representations in science: diagrams and schematic representations”, colloque de la Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice, Symposium “Scientific representations across history and practice”, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 June.

2012 “The role of models in mind and science” (with David Lagnado), International Conference on Thinking, Birkbeck/UCL, London, UK, 4-6 July.

“The role of models in mind and science” (with David Lagnado), conference Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology, Sestri Levante, Italy, 21-23 June.

“Ernest Nagel’s conception of models: When agents get into the picture of theories”, Models and Simulations 5, Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 June.

“La notion de modèle chez Ernest Nagel: les théories scientifiques sont toujours déjà interprétées”, congress of the Société de philosophie analytique (SOPHA), Paris, France, 4-6 May.

2011 “How are Scientific Theories to Be Analysed? Representational and Computational Aspects” (with Anouk Barberousse), 7th congress of European Society for Analytic Philosophy, Milano, Italy, 1-6 Sept.

“The Versions of Classical Mechanics: An Agent-Centred View on the Content of Theories”, Philosophy of science colloquium, University of Johannesburg, Durban, South Africa, 18th Jan.

2010 “The Versions of Classical Mechanics: An Agent-Centered View on the Content of Theories”, 9e conference of the SIFA, Padova, Italy, 23-25 Sept.

“Natural Pedagogy and A-not-B tasks”, Levels of Processing: Foundations of Social Cognition, University Club Bonn, Germany, 16-18 Sept.

2010 “Models of Data and Theoretical Hypotheses: A Case Study in Classical Genetics”, conference Models and Simulations 4, Toronto, Canada, 7-9 May (participation accepted).

2009 “Formats of Representation in Scientific Theorising”, conference Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology, Campinas, Brazil, 17-19 Dec.

“Quelle forme donner aux cartes génétiques? Présentation des données et hypothèses théoriques” (symposium “Nouveaux regards sur le choix théorique”), Société de philosophie des sciences congress, Paris, 12-14 Nov.

“What are Genetic Maps Visualisations of?” (symposium “Visual Cognition in the History of Science”), 13th international congress in history of science and technology, Budapest, Hungary, 28 July-2 Aug. (financial support by CNFHPS, French Academy of Sciences).

“Formats of Representation in Scientific Theorising”, conference Models and Simulations 3, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 5-7 March.

2008 “Conceptual Role Semantics and Theory Understanding: the Case of Classical Mechanics”, 6th congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, Krakow, Poland, 21-28 Aug.

“Scientific Theorising Through Genetic Mapping”, annual congress of the British Society for Philosophy of Science, Saint-Andrews, UK, 10-11 July.

“Models and Formats of Representation”, Central European University Philosophy graduate conference, Budapest, Hungary, 30-31 March.

2007 “Understanding Theories: Formats Matter”, congress of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Madrid, Spain, 13-17 Nov.

“Models and Formats: Representational and Computational Aspects”, conference Models and Simulations 2, Tilburg, Netherlands, 11-13 Oct.

“Understanding Theories in Practice”, conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice, Twente, Netherlands, 22-24 Aug.

“Understanding Theories” 13th international congress of logic, methodology, and philosophy of science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 13-18 Aug. (financial support by CNFHPS, French Academy of Sciences).

“Models and Formats of Representation”, annual congress of the British Society for Philosophy of Science, Bristol, UK, 5-6 July.

“Paradigmes et systèmes symboliques: les diagrammes en génétique mendélienne”, 2nd congress of the Société de philosophie des sciences, Genève, Switzerland, 29-31 March.

2006 “La compréhension des théories”, congress of the Société de philosophie analytique (SOPHA), Aix-en-Provence, France, 1st-3 Sept.

Invited talks

Keynote (plenary) talks and workshop dedicated to my research

2022 “Judges’ evidential reasoning. Perspective of research at the crossroads of epistemology and law”, workshop “Judges’ evidential reasoning. About Marion Vorms’s research”, organised by Laurent Rousvoal, MOTIVAPE project (IODE, CNRS), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme en Bretagne, Faculté de droit et de science politique de Rennes, France, 30 Nov.

2021 “Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité. Réflexions sur la crédibilité des experts scientifiques”, keynote conference at the Société de philosophie des sciences, congres, Mons, Belgium, 10 Sept.

Invited talks at seminars

2024 “Les sciences au tribunal. Quelques éléments de réflexion philosophique sur le cas du Mediator”, with Isabelle Drouet, Société philosophique de Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 7 March.

2023 “The relevance of scientific questions (and answers) for decision-making. The ‘Mediator’ trial in France.  workshop “Ethics and epistemology of expertise: covid-19, climate and beyond”, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK, 27 March.

”Qu’appelle-t-on vérité judiciaire ? Une perspective épistémologique”, Séminaire interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques, Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, Belgium, 17 Feb.

2022 “À propos de vérité et de faits juridiques”, discussion on Jean-Marie Denquin’s Les concepts juridiques. Comment le droit rencontre le monde, in the author’s presence. L’arsenal du juriste, EHESS, Centre de colloques, Aubervilliers, France, 5 Dec.

“Le raisonnement probatoire et la mise en récit des preuves : présentation critique du story-model”, workshop « Le travail de la preuve », organised by CTAD, CEMS and Dysolab, Univerity of Paris Nanterre, 28 June.

“Le biais de confirmation en question”, epistemology of science seminar, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, 6 April.

“Doute raisonnable, crédulité aveugle et scepticisme indu : la cartographie complexe de la confiance”, conference on trust organised by the Lycées Alain-Fournier and Marguerite de Navarre, Bourges, France, 4 April.

“La confiance : approche épistémologique”, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas conference on « Les acteurs de la Justice au défi de la confiance », France, 25 March.

“La crédulité en doute”, séminaire “Politique des sciences” on Irrationality, EHESS, Paris, 24 Jan.  

2021 “Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité : la valeur probante du témoignage, entre crédibilité et pertinence”, séminaire ISJPS / LIER, EHESS, Paris, 16 Dec.

“Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité. Réflexions sur la crédibilité des experts scientifiques”, plenary talk, Société de philosophie des sciences congress, Mons, Belgium, 10 Sept.

2020 À l’épreuve de la mise en pratique : politique et expérience”, invited talk at the seminar on “Le politique à l’épreuve dans les Amériques des XVIe-XXIé siècles”, EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris, 8 January.

2019 L’épistémologie du raisonnement sur les faits : quelle pertinence pour le droit ?” (“The relevance of the epistemological study of evidential reasoning for law”, Rencontres de l’IODE, workshop “À quoi peut servir l’épistémologie en droit ?”, Rennes, Law school,15 November.

“Reasonable Doubt: standards of proof and acceptability in judicial and scientific practice”, colloquium Philosophie und Wissenschaftsreflexion, Hannover, 29 January.

2018 “Reasonable Doubt: Legal standards of proof and norms of assertion in science“, workshop Climate Change and Democracy (organisers: P. Kitcher & B. Reber, funded by the Alliance programme), Columbia University, New York City, 6-7 December.

“An empirical inquiry into the role of plausibility in the formation of belief”, Philosophy Departmental Research Seminar, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 22nd November.

2017 “On Reasonable Doubt”, HPS departmental seminar, Cambridge, UK, 16th Feb.

“On Reasonable Doubt”, ‘Epistemic Angst’ conference (around Duncan Pritchard’s book), University of Paris 4-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 19-20 Jan.

2016 “Theorising and representational practices in Classical genetics”’, workshop on ’Representing scientific results: Forms of knowledge’, University of Kassel, Germany, 18-19 Nov.

“Reasonable Doubt: Epistemological Reflections on Jurors' Decision-making”, Center for Philosophy of Science Annual Lecture Series, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 22 April.

“On Reasonable Doubt”, London Judgement and Decision-Making (LJDM) seminar, London, UK, 16th March.

2015    “Les théories physiques : contenu et formulations”, Physics and Chemistry departmental seminar, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux, 4 June.

2014 “Theories and their versions”, Durham Philosophy Seminar Series, Durham, UK 6 Feb.

“Les formats de représentation en science”, PHITECO seminar, Université Technologique de Compiègne, France, 31 Jan.

“Modes de représentation en biologie”, Philosophy of Biology workshop (organisers: F. Merlin & T. Hoquet), Lyon, 30-31 January.

2013 “Theories and their versions: logical equivalence, inferential differences”, 5th Madrid Workshop on New Trends in the Philosophy of Science, Inferentialism in epistemology and philosophy of science, Madrid, Spain, 11-13 Nov.

“Theorising and representational practices in genetics”, Conference “Mathematising Science: Limits and Perspectives”, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 16-17 May.

“Les théories scientifiques : défense d’une approche cognitive” , Les jeudis de l’histoire et de la philosophie des sciences, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 14 March.

2012 Comments on Thomas Pradeu, “Une théorie du développement est-elle possible?”, workshop on theories in developmental biology, IHPST, Paris, France, 8 October.

2012 “Théories, modèles, représentations scientifiques”, Les lundis de la philosophie, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 5 March.

2011 “Theorising and representational practices in classical genetics”, workshop The meaning of “Theory” in Biology, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Altenberg, Austria, 1-3 July.

“Collaborative computer simulations in climate science” (with A. Barberousse and H. Galinon), workshop “Comment poursuivre collectivement des buts épistémiques?”, Archives Poincaré, Nancy, 8 April.

“Collaborative computer simulations in climate science” (with A. Barberousse and H. Galinon), workshop “Social epistemology and cognitive sociology”, Université de Provence, 24 March.

“Genetic Mapping as the Merging of Two Disciplines’ Representational Practices (1913-1934)”, workshop Interdisciplinary Exchanges as the Object of Philosophical Inquiry, Helsinki, Finland, 3-4 March.

2010 “Entre avancée formelle et changement conceptuel: la contribution de Lagrange à la mécanique analytique vue par les savants philosophes du xixe siècle”, seminar “De l’usage de l’histoire dans les sciences physiques”, REHSEIS, CNRS, 26 Oct.

“Formats of Representation in Science”, Phil/Sci workshop, University of Vienna, Austria, 14 Oct.

“A Cognitive Approach to Theorising in the Empirical Sciences”, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Altenberg, Austria, 8 July.

“L’invention de la mécanique analytique: changements conceptuels au sein d’une même théorie”, seminar “Paradigmes de l’invention”, Institut de recherches philosophiques, University Paris 10, 16 Feb.

“La variété des modes de représentation dans la pratique scientifique”, seminar SIPS, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, 6 Jan.

2008 “What do Genetic Maps Represent?”, Workshop “Biographs II”, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany, 14-15 June.

“Templates, Exemplars, and Formats”, workshop on models, IHPST (organiser: Paul Humphreys), 9-13 june.

2007 “Models and Formats of Representation”, workshop Models as evidence: the role of idealisation and fictions in science, UNED-Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 29 june.

2006 “L’explication en sciences”, seminar on scientific popularisation, Department of Cognitive Studies, École normale supérieure (organiser: Richard-Emmanuel Eastes), 7 june.

2005 “Regards philosophiques sur les Science Studies”, doctoral workshop of centre Alexandre Koyré, 12 april.

Roundtables, knowledge dissemination, and research valorisation

2022 “Doute raisonnable et intime conviction : que fait le juge face à l’incertitude ?”, Nuit de l’ENS, 9 Sept.

Participation to a roundtable « Intelligence artificielle, désinformation et démocratie », launching conference of the Observatoire de l’Intelligence artificielle de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (« Intelligence artificielle et société »), 22 June.

2021 TV broadcast participation,“Tambour Battant” on trust (Demain TV), 19 March

“Conference-interview” on scientific expertise and conspiracy theories for Master students in journalism at Free University of Brussels, 12 April

2020 Radio interview on “Le Temps du débat”, France Culture (19 December).

2019 ‘Doute raisonnable et responsabilité de l’expert’, CEJICAM (Compagnie des Experts de Justice Inscrits près la Cour d’Appel de Montpellier) Assises, Rodez, 12 July.

‘Medicine Skepticism and (Un)reasonable Doubts’ (with Daniel Andler), French Medical National Academy (Académique Nationale de Médecine) ethics committee, 12 March.

2018 Assises de la recherche, University Paris 1, ‘Le doute raisonnable’, IHPST, Paris, 14 Dec.

Tribute to Jean Gayon table ronde, École normale supérieure, Paris, 13 Dec.

Assises de la recherche, University Paris 1, co-organisation (with Philippe Huneman) of a roundtable on disagreement in science and law, 11 Dec.

Invited conference on Reasonable Doubt and Epistemic Responsibility at the Nuit de la philosophie, UNESCO, Paris, 16 Nov.

2017 Invited participation to a roundtable on Scientific Revolutions, Nuit des Révolutions (Nuit de la Science), École normale supérieure, Paris, 26 Jan.

2016 “Raisonnement et prise de décision : quels problèmes pose la multidisciplinarité ?”, lecture in the framework of a training in translational approach in cancer research for medical, biological, and pharmaceutical students, Dijon, France, 15 June.

2015 Radio interview on “Les Nouveaux chemins de la connaissance”, 15 June.

Invited conference at Night of Philosophy, cultural services of the French Embassy, New York, USA, 24 April.

2012 Radio interview on “Continent sciences”, France Culture (diffusion 5 March).

2009 “La notion de visualisation en sciences: quel est le contenu des images scientifiques ?”, seminar “Textes Images”, Espace Mendès-France, Centre de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle de Poitiers, 19 Nov.

“La notion d’observation en sciences”, 6th science departmental forum of the Alpes de Haute-Provence, Forcalquier, 15 May.

2008 “Buts et moteurs du progrès scientifique”, 6th regional forum of scientific and technological culture, “Sciences et citoyenneté”, Marseille, Hôtel de Région, 20 Nov.