Health Capability: Empirical Applications
Job market paper
A multidimensional study of poverty and health capability [Latest version available here]
Abstract: Addressing the multidimensionality of poverty is a major challenge in resource-limited settings where programs for health promotion often homogeneously target poor households. Following the collection of survey data in rural Senegal, I develop a structural equation model (SEM) to estimate and characterize three dimensions of health capability as conceptualized by Prah: self-reported health, empowerment, and healthcare access. In accounting for the multidimensionality of both poverty and health capability at the individual level, I highlight complex and sometimes contradictory effects. In particular, I provide novel evidence that empowerment, a key component of health capability, is lower in individuals living in resource-rich households, even though these individuals are more likely to report optimal levels in health and access to healthcare. My estimates emphasize a need to design differentiated policy and interventions for overall poverty reduction and health promotion. They also show how do to so through a comprehensive characterization of the socio-demographic and economic variables associated with distinct dimensions of health capability.
Under review
Coste, M., Prah, J J. "Applying the Health Capability Profile: an Analytical Study of Leading Causes of Death and Pressing Public Health Issues in the US" | Revisions requested at the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Working paper
Promoting health capability among people living with chronic hepatitis-B virus (CHB) infection in rural Senegal: a social justice mixed methods study. Joint work with Jennifer J. Prah, Cilor Ndong and the AmBASS-PeCSEN study group (available upon request).
Work in progress
Health capability profile and COVID-19: a comparative analysis in the US, Germany and South Korea. Joint work with Jennifer J. Prah.
Peer-reviewed article
Coste, M., Bousmah MaQ. (2023). Predicting health services utilization using a score of perceived barriers to medical care: evidence from rural Senegal. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 263.
Coste, M., Badji, M. A., Diallo, A., Mora, M., Boyer, S., & Prah, J. J. (2022). Applying the health capability profile to empirically study chronic hepatitis B in rural Senegal: A social justice mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open, 12(4), e055957.
Book & book chapter
Coste M. Obamacare, Droit à la santé et justice sociale – Autour de la pensée de Jennifer Prah Ruger. Editions universitaires européennes, Oct. 2017, 180 p.
Coste, M."Garantir l’équité du système de santé français face au choc démographique – Le paradigme des capabilités de santé", in Lorenzi, J-H. dir. Choc démographique, rebond économique. Descartes, 2016.
Chronic hepatitis B in rural Senegal
As project manager of the ANRS12356 AmBASS study (390,000€, PI: Sylvie Boyer & Aldiouma Diallo; 2017-2020), I coordinated the 4 scientific teams based in Dakar and Marseille, recruited and trained the field team of 8 interviewers and monitored data collection during the pilot and the main phase of the study, which administered at-home hepatitis B screening and socio-economic questionnaires to over 3,000 participants. I wrote the protocol paper and participated in the data analysis and scientific publications.
I've also implemented and coordinated the PeCSen study (25,000€, PI: Sylvie Boyer; 2019-2022) which documented linkage to care among people screened for CHB during the AmBASS study. I set up data collection for monitoring visits in 3 health facilities, conducted a micro-costing study, and cooordinated a qualitative study among participants screened for CHB (n=40), and healthcare workers (n=15).
I'm currently managing the data collection of a questionnaire among patients of the Sen-B prospective research cohort to document: (i) socio-economic resources, (ii) direct and indirect costs of CHB management, and (iii) patients reported outcomes. This data will enter an extended cost-effectiveness analysis of CHB management in centralized and decentralized settings in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
Summary of results of the AmBASS survey: "Hépatite B: que retenir de l'étude AmBASS menée à Niakhar?"
Coste, M., De Sèze, M., Diallo, A., Carrieri, M. P., Marcellin, F., Boyer, S., & ANRS 12356 AmBASS Study Group. (2019). Burden and impacts of chronic hepatitis B infection in rural Senegal: Study protocol of a cross-sectional survey in the area of Niakhar (AmBASS ANRS 12356). BMJ Open, 9(7), e030211.
Djaogol, T., Coste, M., Marcellin, F., Jaquet, A., Chabrol, F., Giles-Vernick, T., Diallo, A., Carrieri, M. P., & Boyer, S. (2019). Prevention and care of hepatitis B in the rural region of Fatick in Senegal: A healthcare workers’ perspective using a mixed methods approach. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 627.
Périères, L., Diallo, A., Marcellin, F., Nishimwe, M. L., Ba, E. H., Coste, M., Lo, G., Halfon, P., Touré Kane, C., Maradan, G., Carrieri, P., Diouf, A., Shimakawa, Y., Sokhna, C., Boyer, S., & Group, A. 12356 A. S. S. (2022). Hepatitis B in Senegal: A Successful Infant Vaccination Program but Urgent Need to Scale Up Screening and Treatment (ANRS 12356 AmBASS survey). Hepatology Communications, 6(5), 1005–1015.
Périères, L., Marcellin, F., Lo, G., Protopopescu, C., Ba, E. H., Coste, M., Touré Kane, C., Maradan, G., Diallo, A., Sokhna, C., Boyer, S., & on behalf of the ANRS 12356 AmBASS Survey Study Group. (2021). Hepatitis B Vaccination in Senegalese Children: Coverage, Timeliness, and Sociodemographic Determinants of Non-Adherence to Immunisation Schedules (ANRS 12356 AmBASS Survey). Vaccines, 9(5), 510.
Périères, L., Protopopescu, C., Lo, G., Marcellin, F., Ba, E. H., Coste, M., Touré Kane, C., Diallo, A., Sokhna, C., Boyer, S., & Group, the A. 12356 A. survey S. (2021). Sibling status, home birth, tattoos and stitches are risk factors for chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Senegalese children: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 28(11), 1515–1525.
Working papers
Linkage to care following community-based screening for hepatitis B in rural Senegal. Joint work with the AMBASS study group (available upon request).
Work in progress
Extended cost-effectiveness analysis of CHB management in Senegal. Joint work with Sylvie Boyer and the Sen-B study group.
Access to care for people with substance use disorder in France (pre-doctoral work)
Evaluation of the Choizitaconso therapeutic evaluation program for people with alcohol use disorder (the ETHER study)
As a project coordinator, I co-designed the study and managed the funding application with ARS PACA (45,000€). I oversaw the application for ethical clearance, and co-organized training sessions in all three recruitment centers. In terms of research, I focused on the adaptation of the ICECAP-A instrument for measuring capability wellbeing and presented the study protocol at the 2019 iCEPS conference.
NEW! Barré, T., Ramier, C., Antwerpes, S., Costa, M., Bureau, M., Maradan, G., Di Beo, V., Cutarella, C., Leloutre, J., Riccobono-Soulier, O., Hedoire, S., Frot, E., Vernier, F., Vassas-Goyard, S., Dufort, S., Protopopescu, C., Marcellin, F., Casanova, D., Coste, M., & Carrieri, P. (2023). A novel community-based therapeutic education program for reducing alcohol-related harms and stigma in people with alcohol use disorders: A quasi-experimental study (ETHER study). Drug and alcohol review, 10.1111/dar.13605. Advance online publication.
Antwerpes, S., Costa, M., Coste, M., Bureau, M., Maradan, G., Cutarella, C., Leloutre, J., Riccobono-Soulier, O., Hedoire, S., Frot, E., Vernier, F., Vassas-Goyard, S., Barré, T., Casanova, D., & Carrieri, P. (2022). Evaluation of a novel therapeutic education programme for people with alcohol use disorder in France: A mixed-methods intervention study protocol (ETHER). Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), 2.
Costa, M., Barré, T., Antwerpes, S., Coste, M., Bureau, M., Ramier, C., Maradan, G., Riccobono-Soulier, O., Vassas-Goyard, S., Casanova, D., & Carrieri, P. (2022). A Community-Based Therapeutic Education Programme for People with Alcohol Use Disorder in France: A Qualitative Study (ETHER). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9228.
Poster: "Study protocol for the evaluation of a therapeutic education program for harm reduction in alcohol use disorder: a mixed method, community based approach" 2019 international Conference for the Evaluation of Non-Pharmaceutical Intervntions (iCEPS).
Access to antiviral drugs for hepatitis C among people who inject drugs (the FANTASIO study)
I oversaw the funding applications for phase 1 (171,000$) and phase 2 (103,000€) of the study. I participated in the data analysis and presented a poster at the 2019 conference of the French Society of Hepatology (AFEF).
Barré, T., Marcellin, F., Di Beo, V., Delorme, J., Rojas Rojas, T., Mathurin, P., Protopopescu, C., Bailly, F., Coste, M., Authier, N., Carrieri, M. P., & Rolland, B. (2019). Untreated alcohol use disorder in people who inject drugs (PWID) in France: A major barrier to HCV treatment uptake (the ANRS-FANTASIO study). Addiction (Abingdon, England).
Rojas Rojas, T., Di Beo, V., Delorme, J., Barre, T., Mathurin, P., Protopopescu, C., Bailly, F., Coste, M., Authier, N., Carrieri, M. P., Rolland, B., & Marcellin, F. (2019). Lower HCV treatment uptake in women who have received opioid agonist therapy before and during the DAA era: The ANRS FANTASIO project. International Journal of Drug Policy.
Poster: "Précédentes restrictions de prescription des antiviraux à action directe : quel effet sur l’accès au traitement VHC des populations-clés?" Conférence 2019 de l'AFEF.
Access to care for people with alcohol use disorder (the ASIA study)
I conducted the statistical analysis (quantitative data) alongside Tangui Barré, and contributed to drafting both manuscripts.
Costa, M., Barré, T., Coste, M., Yaya, I., Berenger, C., Tanti, M., Cutarella, C., Mora, M., Poloméni, P., Maynard, M., Teuma, D., Bazin, M., Maradan, G., Roux, P., & Carrieri, P. M. (2020). Screening and care for alcohol use disorder in France: Expectations, barriers and levers using a mixed-methods approach. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1–15.
Costa, M., Marcellin, F., Coste, M., Barré, T., Nordmann, S., Mora, M., Maradan, G., Tanti, M., Cutarella, C., Casanova, D., Levy-Bellaiche, S., Polomeni, P., Simon, N., Roux, P., & Carrieri, M.-P. (2018). Access to care for people with alcohol use disorder in France: A mixed-method cross-sectional study protocol (ASIA). BMJ Open, 8(9), e024669.