Marina's Adventures at Sophia University

Instagram is @marinacleav


Hello, my name is Marina Cleavenger! Thank you for coming with me on this journey to Tokyo, Japan! I am studying Management Information Systems and International Business. I will be attending Sophia University, and I am overjoyed to have this experience. I have never been to Asia, so my experiences will be as new to me as they are to you. Please follow me along as I learn, eat, and marvel at the wonders of Japan. 

Flying from HNL to HND March 19th

LANDED MARCH 20! Alex (studying at Keio University) and I taking off for Haneda airport! The 9.5 hour flight wasn't too bad, but still felt very long. 

Ota Ward

My mom met Alex and I out in Japan where we began our stay in Ota. When Alex was moving into his dorm, my mom and I ventured into this shrine called  Anamori Inari Shrine.

Ota Ward

Anamori Inari Shrine was also known as the fox shrine and had the most fox statues a shrine has ever had. I also was able to take sand from the shrine (which you sprinkle in the entry way of your house) to bring good luck and fortune! 

Yokohama Day Trip 

My mom, Alex, and I took a day trip to Yokohama!

We saw the giant 60-foot tall Gundam robot at the Gundam Factory that actually walks, moves its legs, extends, it's arms, and sings!

For dinner we headed over the largest Chinatown in Japan!

After we ate, we took a skyline tram over the city. 


Our "home base" for the next week

All three of us took a Shinkansen (bullet train) to Osaka! This is where we spent seven days, taking day trips each day. 

Coolest street ever

We ended up stumbling upon this lively street where there was food vendors everywere and buildings themed to the max. We had great ramen here. 

Omakase in Osaka

One of our favorite expereiences was the Omakase. Omakase means "I'll leave it up to you," which is basically what we did! This chef is an expert at his craft, he made what he felt like that day, and we ate whatever he put in front of us. This was the best meal of Japan by far. We were there for over 2 hours and it felt like 30 minutes. 

Making wasabi

Fire roasting steak

No idea what this is, but it was my favorite 

Again, no idea, but it was so good


Sadly, Sukura (cherry blossom) had not yet bloomed, but we still went around to different temples and the famous Inari Gates in Kyoto. 


From Osaka, we took a 40 minute rapid train to Nara. I loved this park, it holds the biggest Buddha statue in the entire world. We were able to feed the deer (even though most were full) and they did bow to you before eating! 

Biggest Buddha Statue in the World

We were able to paint a wish on a ceiling tile during the temples renovations. 

Deer <3

Tokyo (Back to Business)

We had our fun, but now it was time for me to move in! Alex, Alex's mom, my mom, and I all went to Teamlab Planets after. We did not expect it to be so immersive (walking knee deep in water, walking through small spaces, etc). That is something I will never ever forget. 

DK House Nerima

My tiny little dorm room. Sophia University provided me this dorm room, it is about a 45 minute commute to school. I was initially shocked at how small it was and how the bedding worked.  As I write this now though, I made it a home! 

TeamLab Planets

After we just had to walk through a room full of pillows and up an indoor waterfall, we stopped for a selfie. 


We ended the day shopping and dining at famous streets in Shinjuku. All four of us stopped at a bar to have some beer and Izakaya (bar food). The food place was filled with businesspeople who got off work coming for a drink and to let loose and have fun! 

Sophia University 

Here is my new home university! It is the oldest Catholic university in Japan dating back t0 1928. I had my first orientation and sadly had to say goodbye to my mom on this day (April 2nd). It is the start of my journey here in Japan. 


I had to go to DisneySea. Originally from the Los Angeles area, I wanted to see how different it was from Anaheim Disney. It was so fun to eat GOOD food and it was all themed. All the rides had very long wait times, and now I know why people in Japan line up hours before the park opens for the rope drop. 

A beer in "1920's-40's New York"

Alien Mochi 

Top of the DisneySea Castle

Nagoya - Formula 1

I had the chance to go to Nagoya for the Formula 1 race at Suzuka Circuit. It was a 1.5 hour bullet train to Nagoya, and then about another two-hour train ride to Suzuka circuit, then a 40-minute walk. It was hard to get to, but so worth it! 

Suzuka Circuit

Going into a turn

Cherry blossoms at the Circuit 

Sukura Season

Cherry blossoms or "Sukura" season is celebrated in Japan. It marks the start of spring and brings new birth and vibrance to this change of season. I was able to awe at the blooms in Nagoya, Shinjuku, Shibuya, and more. 



Nagoya Castle

My life now...School, Dorm, Food!

I am now officially moved into my dorm and I made it much homier. I have made friends in DK House Nerima, and friends at Sophia. I have noticed at my particular dorm is that there is not a lot of American people. The people I have met in the dorm have been from Scotland, Ireland, Finland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Slovakia, and France. At Sophia, we register for classes only a few days before school starts, so it was challenging and very confusing! After emailing 100 times to helpful Shidler advisors, my classes are all set, and I am excited to start this Friday (April 12th)! 

Friends of DK House Nerima

Izakaya with DK House Nerima People

 My dorm room now


Daiba is an artificial island in Tokyo that has the famous rainbow bridge and their own Statue of Liberty from France! It was orignally built for defensive purposes in the 1850's and now has been redeveloped into a fun place. They have everything here! Malls, architecture, race tracks, arcades, movie theaters, etc.

50's-60's Tokyo Retro Floor

Rainbow Bridge 

Shidler Night! 

Shidler College of Business held an event at the Tokyo American Club. We listened to an inspirational key-note speaker, the founder of Big Island Candies. 

Chicago The Musical! 

I grew up watching musicals in Los Angeles, California. My love for them grew throughout the years and I saw that they had a Broadway musical playing right in Tokyo. This building had the best intermission views I have ever seen in my life. 


The theater (notice the Japanese subtitle screens on the outside)

Views and food at Intermission 

My 9-day trip to South Korea and Taiwan!

I had a Friday off from school for "Golden Week" and thought why not go travel to Korea! That is when Alex had the idea..."if we already are over there, why not add Taiwan on our list." I said alright! After finding the cheapest budget airlines that I have never heard of, we were off to South Korea for 5 days, and Taiwan for 4 days.  When we took off in the plane, the Japanese airport staff on the ground waved at us from the tarmac! 


I was lucky enough to travel to South Korea for four days. Alex had two friends who lived in Korea and were able to take us around the first two days. I was met with nothing but kindness from the people of Korea. It is one of my favorite cities I have ever visited in the world. The food was also some of the most delicious food I have had! 


This is a walled compound of palaces in Seoul that was inhabited by members of Korea's royal family. 

Changing of the guard

As we do in the US, there were changing of the guards in Korea. This was specifically a reenactment of when a person of high power would come visit. 

Moving octopus and raw beef at Gangjiang Market

The poor octopus was cut up right in front of us and the tenticles kept moving. It was even suctioning to the plate. I decided I was not going to eat it, but that is when a Korean auntie that worked there saw me not eat and she fed it to me three times on a spoon! It was very delicious but it suctioned on my cheek! I have really never seen anything like the Korean food markets. 


From Korea, I flew to Taiwan. We traveled to the main sites such as Taipei 101 and memorial halls. The most unique places I went to was Jioufen Market, Houtang Cat Village (an old coal minery), and the night markets. The night markets are extremely big there. I was able to meet up with a fellow SGL (Rachel Lu) that is studying there to show us around and what to eat. 

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall 

Liberty Square Archway 

Shilin Night Market 

Food from night market!

Back to Business in Japan!

We landed Monday morning at Narita airport, and I made the two-hour journey back to my dorm. I had the most amazing time and truly saw a different side of another culture. What shocked me the most were the markets in Korea and the nigh markets in Taiwan. I have never been truly culture shocked to the core until I walked down the long lanes of food and the way they cook it in their spaces. 

Themed Cafe Hopping <3

Cafe's are a big thing anywhere in Asia. I had the best black sesame latte in Korea, and a cute dog cafe in Taiwan. I want to highlight some of my favorite cafes from Japan! 

2D Cafe 

Everything is two dimensional, even the food

Reissue Cafe

 They make 3D foam art from a picture (this is my cat, Mr. Banks)

Peter Rabbit Themed Cafe

  This was a British themed cafe after the popular story

Snoopy Cafe 

Snoopy themed pancakes and a delicious parfait

Kobe, Japan

Alex's mom was visitng from Hawaii and was staying in Kobe. We were able to take the Shinkansen and travel up to see her.  Alex and his mom used to live in Japan for two years so we visited their old house, Alex's old high school, and where his sister is going to college. 

Universal Studios, Japan

I have always wanted to go to Nintendo World, so Alex and I took a stop there in Osaka! The 5:30am start time was rough, but worth it. 

Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens & Ropeway 

My favorite thing we did in Japan ropeway up to a German inspired garden that had acres of beautiful flowers and the best beer I have ever had! 


I have to say I love Kobe and Osaka food slightly more than Tokyo. I had the best dinners ever. 

Japanese Baseball Game

I experienced my first Japanese baseball game. The Tokyo Giants VS The Mariners! I grew up going to Dodger Stadium all the time during baseball season. This crowd was wild, the chants were coordinated, and there were cheerleaders. 

Tokyo Disneyland

Emily came to Japan after attending a school event in Hong Kong.  Growing up by Disneyland Anaheim, she wanted to check out Tokyo Disneyland...and I did too!

Yokohama Firework Festival

There was a 30 minute firework show and a drone show with other 1,000 drones!
