Marina Halac


Pricing for Coordination, with Elliot Lipnowski and Daniel Rappoport

Changing Central Bank Pressures and Inflation, with Hassan Afrouzi, Kenneth Rogoff, and Pierre Yared

Prepared for Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2024

Monetary Policy without Commitment, with Hassan Afrouzi, Kenneth Rogoff, and Pierre Yared

A Theory of Fiscal Responsibility and Irresponsibility, with Pierre Yared

Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming

Monitoring Teams, with Ilan Kremer and Eyal Winter 

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming 

Revealing the Value of Relationships

JITE: Symposium on the Economics of Relational Contracts, 2023

Fiscal Rules and Discretion under Limited Enforcement, with Pierre Yared

Econometrica, 2022

Online Appendix

Addressing Strategic Uncertainty with Incentives and Information, with Elliot Lipnowski and Daniel Rappoport

AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2022

Online Appendix

Instrument-Based vs. Target-Based Rules, with Pierre Yared

Review of Economic Studies, 2022

Online Appendix

Rank Uncertainty in Organizations, with Elliot Lipnowski and Daniel Rappoport
American Economic Review, 2021
Online Appendix

Commitment vs. Flexibility with Costly Verification, with Pierre Yared

Journal of Political Economy, 2020

Online Appendix

Inflation Targeting under Political Pressure, with Pierre Yared
In E. Pastén and R. Reis (Eds.), Independence, Credibility, and Communication of Central Banking, 2020

Raising Capital from Heterogeneous Investors, with Ilan Kremer and Eyal Winter

American Economic Review, 2020

Online Appendix

Experimenting with Career Concerns, with Ilan Kremer

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2020

Online Appendix

Fiscal Rules and Discretion in a World Economy, with Pierre Yared

American Economic Review, 2018

Online Appendix

Contests for Experimentation, with Navin Kartik and Qingmin Liu

Journal of Political Economy, 2017

Online Appendix

Managerial Attention and Worker Performance, with Andrea Prat

American Economic Review, 2016

Online Appendix

Optimal Contracts for Experimentation, with Navin Kartik and Qingmin Liu

Review of Economic Studies, 2016

Online Appendix, Clarifications

Investing in a Relationship

RAND Journal of Economics, 2015

Relationship Building: Conflict and Project Choice over Time

Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2014

Fiscal Rules and Discretion under Persistent Shocks, with Pierre Yared

Econometrica, 2014

Online Appendix

Relational Contracts and the Value of Relationships

American Economic Review, 2012

Online Appendix