The HTMLElement.focus() method sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused. The focused element is the element that will receive keyboard and similar events by default.

By default the browser will scroll the element into view after focusing it, and it may also provide visible indication of the focused element (typically by displaying a "focus ring" around the element). Parameter options are provided to disable the default scrolling and force visible indication on elements.

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A boolean value indicating whether or not the browser should scroll the document to bring the newly-focused element into view. A value of false for preventScroll (the default) means that the browser will scroll the element into view after focusing it. If preventScroll is set to true, no scrolling will occur.

A boolean value that should be set to true to force visible indication that the element is focused. By default, or if the property is not true, a browser may still provide visible indication if it determines that this would improve accessibility for users.

The code below adds an event handler to set the focus on the text field when the button is pressed. Note that most browsers will automatically add visible indication (a "focus ring") for a focused text field, so the code does not set focusVisible to true.

Browsers do not usually show visible focus indication on button elements when focus is set programmatically, so the effect of selecting the middle button may not be obvious. However provided the focusVisible option is supported on your browser, you should see focus changing on the left-most button when the right-most button is selected.

This code sets a click event handler on the first and second buttons to set the focus on the last button. Note that the first handler doesn't specify the preventScroll option so scrolling to the focused element will be enabled.

\n The HTMLElement.focus() method sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused.\n The focused element is the element that will receive keyboard and similar events by default.\n

\n By default the browser will scroll the element into view after focusing it, and it may also provide visible indication of the focused element (typically by displaying a \"focus ring\" around the element).\n Parameter options are provided to disable the default scrolling and force visible indication on elements.\n

\n A boolean value indicating whether or not the browser should scroll the document to bring the newly-focused element into view.\n A value of false for preventScroll (the default) means that the browser will scroll the element into view after focusing it.\n If preventScroll is set to true, no scrolling will occur.\n

\n A boolean value that should be set to true to force visible indication that the element is focused.\n By default, or if the property is not true, a browser may still provide visible indication if it determines that this would improve accessibility for users.\n

\n The code below adds an event handler to set the focus on the text field when the button is pressed.\n Note that most browsers will automatically add visible indication (a \"focus ring\") for a focused text field, so the code does not set focusVisible to true.\n

\n Browsers do not usually show visible focus indication on button elements when focus is set programmatically, so the effect of selecting the middle button may not be obvious.\n However provided the focusVisible option is supported on your browser, you should see focus changing on the left-most button when the right-most button is selected.\n

\n This code sets a click event handler on the first and second buttons to set the focus on the last button.\n Note that the first handler doesn't specify the preventScroll option so scrolling to the focused element will be enabled.\n

The :focus CSS pseudo-class represents an element (such as a form input) that has received focus. It is generally triggered when the user clicks or taps on an element or selects it with the keyboard's Tab key.

Make sure the visual focus indicator can be seen by people with low vision. This will also benefit anyone use a screen in a brightly lit space (like outside in the sun). WCAG 2.1 SC 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast requires that the visual focus indicator be at least 3 to 1.

For instance, you can check out the search volume (how often it is searched for in a specified period) and trends (how that changed over time). Now, you can easily compare the related keyphrases and decide which one(s) you want to focus on in your current or other posts.

If you already have some (blog) posts that rank well for good terms, you will know how many visitors these posts attract. Using Google Trends to compare the focus keyphrases of older posts (which you can view the statistics for) with the focus keyphrase you have in mind for your new post could give you some idea about the potential traffic. Make sure to choose older posts most similar to the post you plan to write. If you plan to choose a long-tail keyword, compare posts with long-tail keywords.

For instance, this post about the focus keyphrase could be compared with a post about snippet previews, a related feature of Yoast SEO we already wrote about. In WordPress and Shopify, you could do this by using the Semrush integration in the Yoast SEO plugin:

Another good way to use the Semrush integration in the Yoast SEO plugin is when considering several (long-tail) focus keywords. Because it will easily show you which search term will have the highest search volume compared to another, it will help you decide which long-tail keyword is most commonly used in search.

Take the time to look at the search engine result pages (SERPs) Are the articles in the Google results of similar character to your article? Could your article fit the results shown on these search pages? If you write a blog post or page for this exact focus keyword, you aim to get your post amongst these results.

Choosing a perfect focus keyword or keyphrase is not an exact science. You should aim for a combination of words used by a search audience. Aim for a keyphrase that is relatively high in volume and will suit your audience.

Focus and concentration can be difficult to master. Sure, most people want to learn how to improve focus and boost concentration. But actually doing it? We live in a noisy world and constant distractions can make focus difficult.

What I mean is that most healthy humans have a brain that is capable of focusing if we get the distractions out of the way. Have you ever had a task that you absolutely had to get done? What happened? You got it done because the deadline made the decision for you. Maybe you procrastinated beforehand, but once things became urgent and you were forced to make a decision, you took action.

Switching cost is the disruption in performance that we experience when we switch our focus from one area to another. One study, published in the International Journal of Information Management in 2003, found that the typical person checks email once every five minutes and that, on average, it takes 64 seconds to resume the previous task after checking your email.

Remove all tasks that could distract from early morning focus. I love doing the most important thing first each day because the urgencies of the day have not crept in yet. I have gone a little far in this regard in that I have even pushed my first meal off until about noon each day. I have been intermittent fasting for three years now (here are some lessons learned), which means that I typically eat most of my meals between 12PM and 8PM. The result is that I get some additional time in the morning to do focused work rather than cook breakfast.

Seasoned con-man Nicky Spurgeon meets inexperienced grifter Jess Barrett, who tries to seduce and con him, with a fake jealous husband. When they fail, Nicky advises them never to lose focus when faced with unexpected situations. He follows Jess, convincing her to have drinks. Nicky tells her how his father Bucky shot his grandfather in a stand-off, explaining the "Toledo Panic Button" tactic, in which you shoot your partner to show your loyalty.

After emphasizing that love will get one killed in the game, Bucky departs with all the money as a reminder of the consequences of losing focus. After he leaves, Nicky notices that Jess snatched Garriga's $200,000 watch, and a smiling Nicky and Jess walk towards the hospital entrance together.

Apply our AI innovations to continually improve Google itself as a leading organization, and to share what we learn with other organizations, including customers, governments, and non-governmental organizations. Key areas of focus include:

x-trap accepts a JS expression. If the result of that expression is true, then the focus will be trapped inside that element until the expression becomes false, then at that point, focus will be returned to where it was previously.

By adding .inert to x-trap, when focus is trapped, all other elements on the page will receive aria-hidden="true" attributes, and when focus trapping is disabled, those attributes will also be removed.

Sometimes you may not want focus to be returned to where it was previously. Consider a dropdown that's triggered upon focusing an input, returning focus to the input on close will just trigger the dropdown to open again.

Let's walk through a few examples of these utilities in use. The example below allows the user to control focus within the group of buttons using the arrow keys. You can test this by clicking on a button, then using the arrow keys to move focus around: be457b7860

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